Marching Cubes, Triplanar Mapping, Multires Textures, and Lemur


Impressive. The texture mapping and the grass look really professional. Using L systems for the trees was good idea and It is probably the best possible approach. The result graphics look very next-gen.

I’m experimenting with voxel maps too, after heightmaps failed me for my current game project. This game is not possible without caves, initially I was modeling caves as separate meshes but that proved to be non practical. So I started to study voxel maps. I was about to start with marching cubes but then I found Transvoxel and fell in love with it. Why Voxel maps are better than heightmaps for terrain in video games on Vimeo

Initially I tried to do the texturing by calculating uvs when decoding cells but that didn’t worked very well.

@N-18 said: Impressive. The texture mapping and the grass look really professional. Using L systems for the trees was good idea and It is probably the best possible approach. The result graphics look very next-gen.

I’m experimenting with voxel maps too, after heightmaps failed me for my current game project. This game is not possible without caves, initially I was modeling caves as separate meshes but that proved to be non practical. So I started to study voxel maps. I was about to start with marching cubes but then I found Transvoxel and fell in love with it. Why Voxel maps are better than heightmaps for terrain in video games on Vimeo

Initially I tried to do the texturing by calculating uvs when decoding cells but that didn’t worked very well.

Thanks for the kind words. I eventually cleaned this up a bit and open sourced it.

You can find the dev blog, download links, etc. here: