Maya 2009 --> animations --> jme 2

hi there folks!

i am currently working on a little jump 'n run for university and this is my first time working on a 3d game.

as a bloody noob, i need some advice on how to get my latest fashion maya 2009 character animations into the super awesome jme 2

as far as i have google'd and searched this forums, i found out that the current standart would be md5, am i right?

my project-coach wanted me to work with cal3d, but i didnt find anything about it when it comes to java.

but all i read so far told me, that the available md5 importer/exporter dont work with the latest maya version.

any suggestions, questions?

…as you mention, you would like to import characterAnimation into jme.

Currently the common way is to use the MD5 format.

Because it's the only supported Format that let you import a mesh, the bones and the vertexweights propperly into jme.

[There might be another possibility soon by using the newly created OgreXML importer]

Collada "should" (according to it's specification) be able to handle those data as well, but it seems that noone has achieved to get the data into jme by a .dae file. The only working file is the one in the examples, but noone knows which programm/exporter was used to create it.

So either all the available exporters for 3dsMax/Maya/Blender do not hanle the collada specification correctly or the DaeToJme-Converter doesn't.

So i suggest go ahead with .md5 for charAnimations.

For static models you can use .obj / .dae / .3ds

Here’s a tutorial for Collada in Maya

Just import the .dae then with the colladaimporter.

If you really want to use MD5 look here And then use MD5Importer by neakor here directions here

the big advantage of col3d is, that it interpolates between animation-switches to create a fluid animation. does md5 support that too? what's the difference between those two?

Yeah, md5 does that too.