Minie 4.1

Version 4.1.0 of the Minie Physics Library has been released. It’s available from MavenCentral.

Minie v4.1 incorporates all changes to native Bullet through 21 April. It also fixes a couple bugs and adds 2 setters to Point2PointJoint.

The v4.1.0 release consists of 12 libraries:

  1. Minie-4.1.0+for33
  2. Minie-4.1.0+for34
  3. Minie-4.1.0+bare+for33
  4. Minie-4.1.0+bare+for34
  5. Minie-4.1.0+big3+for33
  6. Minie-4.1.0+big3+for34
  7. Minie-4.1.0+debug+for33
  8. Minie-4.1.0+debug+for34
  9. Minie-4.1.0+debugdp+for33
  10. Minie-4.1.0+debugdp+for34
  11. Minie-4.1.0+dp+for33
  12. Minie-4.1.0+dp+for34

Key to library naming:

  • Libraries with “+for33” in their names are for use with JME 3.3, especially 3.3.2-stable.
  • Libraries with “+for34” in their names are for use with JME 3.4, especially 3.4.0-beta1.
  • Libraries with “+debug” in their names include native assertions and support native debugging.
  • Libraries with “dp” in their names use double-precision arithmetic.
  • Libraries with “+big3” in their names are smaller versions that support ONLY 64-bit desktop platforms with AMD/Intel ISA— no 32-bit platforms, no Android, and no ARM.
  • Libraries with “+bare” in their names are very small versions that don’t include ANY native libraries. They are intended for projects that provide their own natives.