Hi @sgold
I’m still working on implementing DAC into my game for all of my old NPC models (slowly but surely), and the most recent model I am working on appears to be having some buggy behavior.
When I try to put the model into ragdoll mode in my game, the lower stomach appears to be stretching out and behaving incorrectly.
Here’s a short clip demonstrating the issue:
I did not experience this buggy behavior when I tested this model in the DACWizard immediately after generating the ROMs, it only happens at run-time in my game. (I should also note that the version of DACWizard I’m using is much older from Minie v 4.4.1, and my game is running the latest version of Minie 7.2.0)
Here is the DAC creation code I’m using for this DarkElf model:
public WControl() {
LinkConfig config1 = new LinkConfig(1f, MassHeuristic.Density,
ShapeHeuristic.VertexHull, new Vector3f(1f, 1f, 1f),
super.setConfig("", config1);
super.link("upperarm_r_013", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0.86f, -1.58f, 1.08f, -0.98f, 1.74f, -0.93f));
super.link("calf_r_069", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1.87f, -0.09f));
super.link("thigh_r_068", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0.28f, -1.02f, 0.71f, -0.14f, 3.08f, 0f));
super.link("lowerarm_l_038", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1.5f, -0.53f));
super.link("lowerarm_r_014", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 2.18f, -0.56f));
super.link("upperarm_l_037", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(1.27f, -0.55f, 0.63f, -0.83f, 1.7f, -0.45f));
super.link("thigh_l_076", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0.9f, -0.8f, 0.3f, -0.85f, 3.04f, -0.04f));
super.link("neck_01_07", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0.29f, -0.01f, 0f, 0f, 0.22f, -0.15f));
super.link("foot_l_078", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0.57f, -0.67f, 0.56f, -0.39f, 0.73f, -0.83f));
super.link("hand_r_015", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(1.41f, -1.46f, 0.76f, -1.29f, 1.35f, -0.96f));
super.link("spine_02_05", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(1.64f, -1.24f, 0.24f, -0.61f, 3.13f, -3.09f));
super.link("foot_r_070", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0.54f, -0.9f, 0.27f, -0.4f, 1.06f, -0.96f));
super.link("hand_l_039", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(1.5f, -0.39f, 1f, -0.7f, 0.76f, -0.84f));
super.link("calf_l_077", config1,
new RangeOfMotion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1.92f, -0.21f));
I can also send you a copy of the model without materials for further testing if needed.