Move to GitHub and Gradle

The gradle project is now master.

I added scripts that copy the engine jar files and create the needed XML files for the SDK build as well. Now the SDK gets built by the default setup as well. The file contains a flag that allows disabling the native and / or SDK builds if needed. Every contributor should of course still build with the SDK enabled to test the contributions for compatibility.


NetBeans 8.0 with Gradle plugin installed:

  • compile
    Build the root “jmonkeyengine” project

  • run tests
    Run the jme3-examples subproject

From command line:

Use “./gradlew build” and “./gradlew run” respectively

To edit the SDK, run the build once and open the “SDK” folder as a project in NetBeans 8.0


- finalize SDK updating
Currently its not copying over test sources and test-data

- fix SDK Android and iOS integration
Currently the needed libraries are not included in the SDK

  • finalize native builds for bullet and android
    Everybody is welcome to fix the build scripts for the various platforms :slight_smile:

  • finalize jME3 distribution creation
    The ZIP distro should probably look similar to how it looked before

  • better check for changes for SDK rebuild

  • fix locations of native bullet files
    The paths and names of the created native files changed, we have to adapt the native extraction code or the packaging


  • SDK J2SE library entries have different names now
    We’ll have to see how and if we keep backwards compatibility to old projects, probably via an importer. We plan to use gradle for user projects in the 3.1 release as well, so this might not be an issue as there will have to be an importer anyway.

  • the Engine jar distribution might not be compatible to your build setup
