Uploading test-data to jcenter

I didn’t mean to revive a topic from so long but I’m facing the inconvenient of don’t having the test-data on the repos. I could see that the examples are there but not the test-data. I wanted to make a simple test-case for a bug and use the test-data (so I could post it in the forums and everyone could try it just executing gradle run and without need of further configuration).

I’m not sure if this means that you have plans on uploading it and if this has been forgot or it is just delayed. Just giving my opinion on the subject.

test data is on the updates.jmonkeyengine.com site. It won’t go to jcenter because it’s not code… ie: there are no -sources and -javadoc… plus test-data almost never updates. Releasing it when we release the rest of the engine would be a bit overkill… making everyone download all 50 meg or whatever with each new alpha.

If you need it… put the updates repo in your repo list.

Oh, done. I didn’t saw them when I looked for it. It’s named testdata :smiley:

Well, it doesn’t to be re-released on each jme version but only if there were changes, doesn’t it? O.o