Multitouch GUI?

Hi to all,

Im new in jmonkey community.

Im developing a game for Android plattform and I need a ingame gui with multitouch capability. In other words, press(touch) two or more buttons at the same time.

Is that possible with nifty gui? or I need to implemt that.



Out of interest how did you solve it?

Since I only need a couple of buttons, a drag element, some backgrounds images and some text display labels, I just developed my own gui system taking touch events from the TouchListener ( also works with mouse events).
The gui system is very simple but is all I need :slight_smile:

@fuhux said: Since I only need a couple of buttons, a drag element, some backgrounds images and some text display labels, I just developed my own gui system taking touch events from the TouchListener ( also works with mouse events). The gui system is very simple but is all I need :)

For the future, this was the kind of use-case Lemur was designed for… the case where you want to develop your own but don’t necessarily want to start from scratch. It includes some built in controls but it’s also setup to roll your own using those as examples.

I didnt known Lemur!

It’s very interesting because sometimes you just need a few elements for your game gui and maybe use a more complex system like nifty gui is not the better idea.

Thanks for the info @pspeed, but now I have all the work done :wink: