Need a hand with Nifty GUI custom effect

This is my first attempt at doing such a thing and I guess I didn’t pick the easiest one either. :wink:

I’ve modified the preview panel of my game so it can be draggable. It works fine but the way things behave right now isn’t the way I want them to be.

So, I modified the default window style like so:


<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>



The relevant part of the screen XML is like this:


<layer id=“lowerPanel” childLayout=“absolute” width=“225px” visibleToMouse=“false”>

<control id=“previewDraggable” name=“window” style=“preview-panel-style” width=“225px” height=“331px” x=“225px” y=“311px” valign=“top”>

<panel id=“preview-panel-style#bar” childLayout=“horizontal”>


<panel id=“preview-panel-style#frame” childLayout=“center”>

<interact onHover=“hovering()”/>

<interact onEndHover=“endHovering()”/>

<panel id=“preview-panel-style#content” childLayout=“vertical”>

<panel id=“panelPreview” childLayout=“absolute” x=“0px” y=“0px” width=“225px” height=“311px”>

<panel id=“insidePanelButtons” childLayout=“absolute” backgroundColor="#000f" width=“215px” height=“92px” x=“5px” y=“214px”>

<control id=“moreInfoButton” type=“button” width=“199px” x=“9px” y=“5px” label=“More Information” textHAlign=“left”>

<interact onClick=“moreInfo()”/>


<control id=“PlotCourseButton” type=“button” width=“199px” x=“9px” y=“35px” label=“Plot course” textHAlign=“left”>

<interact onClick=“plotCourse()”/>


<control id=“testButton” type=“button” width=“199px” x=“9px” y=“65px” label=“Enter Solar System” textHAlign=“left”>

<interact onClick=“enterSystem()”/>









This works fine. I can drag it, everything is aligned, etc.

The problem lies in the effect I want to achieve. It should go like this:

  • The mouse moves OVER (onHover) the "frame" part of the window.

  • A fade, from transparent black to almost fully opaque white on the "bar" to indicate where it can be dragged from.

  • The mouse moves OUT (onEndHover) of the "frame"

  • Another fade but this time from the almost opaque white to transparent black to restore it to its original state.

Now, if I trigger this while hovering on the "frame" and apply the effect on the "frame" it works, but if I want to affect the "bar" it seems I can't directly do that.
So I've come up with the above. In short as I hover over the "frame", it should trigger this:
<interact onHover="hovering()"/>
<interact onEndHover="endHovering()"/>
but nothing happens.
If I change it to onClick="hovering()" Nifty enters the method when the "frame" is clicked on, but the effect isn't applied. Here's the java for that, but I highly suspect this to be wrong but I'm just not sure how to trigger it:
public void hovering() {
System.out.println("On hovering...");
public void endHovering() {
System.out.println("On out of hovering...");
I feel I'm pretty close but... Unsure where to look. Searching the forums didn't help sadly. Hopefully I didn't forget anything.
Any taker?
Thanks a ton.

Renamed the thread as it was more sounding like a Gfx than Nifty custom effect. Doh.

Made some headway, but the effect won’t work.

I have now attached the hovering() method to the “frame” of the window but for some reason it won’t trigger the custom effect on the “bar”.


NiftyMethodInvoker onHoverMethod = new NiftyMethodInvoker(






I’ve made some tests and using it that way works without a problem.



<onEndHover name=“colorPulsate” startColor="#00000000" endColor="#ffffff80" pulsateType=“sin” period=“2500” cycle=“false” />

<onHover" name=“colorPulsate” startColor="#ffffffff" endColor="#00000000" pulsateType=“sin” period=“2500” cycle=“false” />



but if I change it to the following AND trigger it from the injected method mentioned above, it doesn’t.



<onCustom customKey=“onEndHovering” name=“colorPulsate” startColor="#00000000" endColor="#ffffff80" pulsateType=“sin” period=“2500” cycle=“false” />

<onCustom customKey=“onHovering” name=“colorPulsate” startColor="#ffffffff" endColor="#00000000" pulsateType=“sin” period=“2500” cycle=“false” />



The XML for the style looks like this:


<style id=“preview-panel-style#bar”>

<attributes width=“100%” height=“20px” backgroundColor="#ffff" childLayout=“horizontal” />


<onCustom customKey=“onEndHovering” name=“colorPulsate” startColor="#00000000" endColor="#ffffff80" pulsateType=“sin” period=“2500” cycle=“false” />

<onCustom customKey=“onHovering” name=“colorPulsate” startColor="#ffffffff" endColor="#00000000" pulsateType=“sin” period=“2500” cycle=“false” />




Finally the pertinent part of the screen’s XML:

[xml] <layer id=“lowerPanel” childLayout=“absolute” width=“225px” visibleToMouse=“false”>

<!-- lower preview panel area -->

<control id=“previewDraggable” name=“window” style=“preview-panel-style” width=“225px” height=“331px” x=“225px” y=“311px” valign=“top”>

<panel id=“previewBar” style=“preview-panel#bar” childLayout=“horizontal” />

<panel id=“previewFrame” style=“preview-panel-style#frame” childLayout=“center”>

<panel id=“previewContent” style=“preview-panel-style#content” childLayout=“vertical”>

<panel id=“panelPreview” childLayout=“absolute” x=“0px” y=“0px” width=“225px” height=“311px”>

<panel id=“insidePanelButtons” childLayout=“absolute” backgroundColor="#000f" width=“215px” height=“92px” x=“5px” y=“214px”>

<control id=“moreInfoButton” type=“button” width=“199px” x=“9px” y=“5px” label=“More Information” textHAlign=“left”>

<interact onClick=“moreInfo()”/>


<control id=“PlotCourseButton” type=“button” width=“199px” x=“9px” y=“35px” label=“Plot course” textHAlign=“left”>

<interact onClick=“plotCourse()”/>


<control id=“testButton” type=“button” width=“199px” x=“9px” y=“65px” label=“Enter Solar System” textHAlign=“left”>

<interact onClick=“enterSystem()”/>









Well guess what. A typo. Almost. “preview-panel” != “preview-panel-style” :cry: