Need help with designing a Tween based animation system

Yes, this is one way of doing it. So for each and every action, I create a groovy script and hard code in it.

I want to design it in a way that I can create/chain these tweens from an editor gui and save them. Is this possible ? And any reason why I should not do this ?


taking that sound example, I can have something like this

public abstract class AbstractTween implements Tween {
     public abstract void init(Spatial spatial, AppStateManager manager) ;

public class SoundTween extends AbstractTween {

   private String audioNodeName;
   private  transient Spatial spatial;  // not going to to serialize this
   private  transient SoundState soundState; // not going to to serialize this

   public SoundTween (String audioNodeName){
   this.audioNodeName = audioNodeName;
   public void init (Spatial spatial, AppStateManager manager) { 
   this.spatial = spatial;
   this.soundState = manager.getState(SoundState.class);
   protected boolean interpolate( double t ) {
   soundState.playSound(audioNodeName, spatial);
   return true;


and then it will be possible to save the tween with gson and editor friendly I believe.

Any thoughts ?