New on the asset store - 10 September 2019

New on the asset store - 10 September 2019

Occlusion Parallax MappingEditable IsoSurfaceShaderBlowLibDDSWriterVHACD: Fast mesh accurate collision shapes

Occlusion Parallax Mapping: Displace textures to simulate reliefs without additional geometry. Faster/better steep parallax. - RiccardoBlb

Editable IsoSurface: A realtime multi-threaded IsoSurface editor using voxel brushes and multiple materials. - jayfella

ShaderBlowLib: A sleauth of shaders for jMonkeyEngine - jayfella

DDSWriter: Save Texture2D, TextureCubeMap and Texture3D into compressed and uncompressed DDS files. Generate mipmaps with proper sRGB handling. - RiccardoBlb

VHACD: Fast mesh accurate collision shapes: A library that binds VHACD to create fast mesh accurate collision shapes by decomposing concave meshes into composite hull shapes that can be used with bullet. - RiccardoBlb

Materialize Shader: A “materialize” shader for jmonkeyengine that simulates “materializing” an object in or out. - jayfella

Advanced Vehicles: An advanced implementation of vehicles for jMonkeyEngine. - jayfella

FocusCamera: A jMonkey AppState that focuses on a given spatial. You can then rotate around it and zoom. You can also optionally offset the focus point. - jayfella

Calendar: Add a calendar to your game! Includes time, day, month, year and time multiplier. - jayfella

MiniMap: Displays a minimap in the corner of your game window. - jayfella

Hologram Shader: Shader for displaying sci-fi holographic objects - grizeldi

JavaFX 11: A JavaFX bridge for Jmonkeyengine using Java 11 - jayfella

World Pager: An infinite world generator for JmonkeyEngine - jayfella

FastNoise: An extensive noise library for generating 2D noise in jmonkeyengine. - jayfella

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Great job @RiccardoBlb
Thanks for creating Monthly Report Bot for the store :slightly_smiling_face: