New to Java, new to JmonkeyEngine

Well i know how to make algorithms, this is not my native language so forgive me please, im new to Java and also to Jmonkeyengine, but its the best i have found in a lot of years so plaese help me. i want a way to know how to load my model of Blender in JMonkeyEngine joust the AssetManager.loadmodel parameters sintax of the path of my model, i only want to know how to access the file in Jmonkeyengine thats all, and besides that could i have an update example on how to use the IDE?

I always always will suggest to work through the beginners tutorials. There you also learn how to use the asset manager.


Thanks ill try that

this can also help

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Well if anyone is interested i know now how to load my 3d Model made with Blender, all i had to do is copy the model file in the directory of jMonkeyEngine-Assets-Models this depends on your jMonkeyEngine installation and thats all, besides that all its code !!! :heart_eyes: Thanks to everyone, ill be arround.

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