Nifty Editor-Devlog #5

Hello folks!
Finally number 5! Sorry again to be in late as always :frowning: . In these week I’ve merged my experimental branch in the master of nifty-editor, this means copy&paste support better observer pattern and command patter for do&undo! and also bug fixes. The copy and paste works fine, it copies the whole hierarchy with deep copy. So when you have a panel with some controls and other panels inside , if you copy and paste you have the same thing. Indeed you could copy an entire layer and paste it in other screen. Command pattern is finished but I have to wire up with the other classes to make it work and finally have a real undo for all the actions. Also the pop-up menus are now independent classes and I’m planning to make them more as Netbeans ones, they will be context aware and could has actions for specific elements. Finally i clean up my github repos and you shoud see all my progress in the experimental branch this repo.

That’s it , I know it’s not too much … in the next weeks I’ll work with interact elements and effects! and also the ability to link your styles and controls :slight_smile: .

No download link by now , I want to finish the undo support before to publish it.

See you in the next devblog =D