NiftyGUI not consuming events before other RawInputListener


We are building an input system with customizable key mappings.
For this reason we chose the RawInputListener, because we can store KeyEventCodes (KeyCode + Modifier flags for CTRL and SHIFT) in a map.
Here we map one KeyEventCode to a List of Events which are triggered via Guavas Eventbus. (Very simple and effective)

Everything works brilliant and we can map actions to “CTRL+SHIFT+I” at runtime for example.

Our only Problem: Nifty will not consume events before our RawInputListener does.
Did Nifty not have it’s own RawInputListener?

We cannot use Action and Analog Listeners, because we do not want to add a mapping for every single key.
Also, we will have very ugly code with CTRL and SHIFT modifiers.

What order do you initialize nifty versus adding your raw listener?

UPDATE: When I delay the initialization of my rawInputListener with a timer, it works.
How do I properly wait for Niftys initialization? Simply calling my initInputListener() after initNifty() doesn’t suffice.

I call initInputListener() and initNifty() in my application initialization.
The order in which I call them does not make a difference.
Can this be a threading issue? When exactly does nifty attach its raw listener to the inputManager?

code for initInputListener():
[java]inputManager.addRawInputListener(new InputListener()); //InputListener is the RawInputListener[/java]

code for initNifty():
[java]NiftyJmeDisplay niftyDisplay = new NiftyJmeDisplay(app.getAssetManager(), app.getInputManager(), app.getAudioRenderer(), app.getGuiViewPort());

(I system.out the pressed keys in my RawInputListener and can see the triggered keys while writing in a nifty textbox.)

It’s done in NiftyJmeDisplay.initialize()

(source code is always only a click away, here or in the IDE.)

It’s a SceneProcessor so initialized during render, I guess… ie: after update is run, render is run. You could wrap your listener in a SceneProcessor also and add it after.


My IDE (jme3 sdk) is having problems navigating source so (I posted about it here:
I was only able to browse the source on github and also found the initialize method shortly after my last edit.

I missed the fact that it is in a SceneProcessor though.
I am pretty sure that I can find the solution now. Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

I will post here again in the next days if I do not find the solution.

@pspeed said: It's done in NiftyJmeDisplay.initialize()

(source code is always only a click away, here or in the IDE.)

It’s a SceneProcessor so initialized during render, I guess… ie: after update is run, render is run. You could wrap your listener in a SceneProcessor also and add it after.

Thank you! Wrapping my listener in a SceneProcessor worked perfectly!
I also learned more about jMonkey reading about the SceneProcessors and RenderManager.

How can I mark this as resolved?