Open Source Multiplayer

Does anyone know where i can find some Open Source Multiplayer Game. All i’m really looking for is a game/source where i can perhaps move a model and another user move another, so i can study the code.

That won’t help you. Do it the other way round and learn game programming step by step. Takes as long as understanding some source from zero but is giving much more satisfaction. The manual/wiki also mentions MonkeyZone, the source is available.

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I knew i was going to get a reply like this. :slight_smile: And you are correct, but i’m already acquainted with Java and a little bit of JMonkey so this isn’t any issue for me, i also learn better from reading code and seeing what is been done than i do by reading tons of documentation. Also in reading documentation i’m reading about areas in which i’m not specific looking answers for. I do realize what i have said is bad and not the correct way to go about things, i’m not going to be learning the base items and i’m just skipping the foundations. But right now i’m looking to do a quick proof of concept and i’m happy to skip the base and jump into the deep end. I think i’m ok now. I found an example of what should assist me complete my objectives.

@Phi said: I knew i was going to get a reply like this. :) And you are correct, but i'm already acquainted with Java and a little bit of JMonkey so this isn't any issue for me, i also learn better from reading code and seeing what is been done than i do by reading tons of documentation. Also in reading documentation i'm reading about areas in which i'm not specific looking answers for. I do realize what i have said is bad and not the correct way to go about things, i'm not going to be learning the base items and i'm just skipping the foundations. But right now i'm looking to do a quick proof of concept and i'm happy to skip the base and jump into the deep end. I think i'm ok now. I found an example of what should assist me complete my objectives.

Which example?

We’ve been down this road a few painful times before. Network game program is 100x harder than regular game programming but it’s funny that only people who have successfully done it once see it that way. Everyone else assumes it’s just “the next step”.

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I will take a look through the MonkeyZone Pre Alpha code Sample Project. I understand that you probably have lots of guys coming through here thinking its the next step. I don’t have any reservations about the difficulty of it. But i’m sure by reading the code i can easily grasp the concept of whats been done and why. What i orginially wanted was the bare bones code, two models running on a server, so i could see just the relevant pieces. By looking at these projects obviously its the whole game and logic that i’ll be reading into, which is no harm either. Once i look at that sample project and if it becomes too challenging, then i’ll go back to basic’s and do some simple UDP server/client connections and build from there.

Note: you don’t have to do any of the UDP networking yourself. SpiderMonkey already takes care of that for you.

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Note: you don’t have to do any of the UDP networking yourself. SpiderMonkey already takes care of that for you.

That’s even better. Thanks for your help pspeed and Norman,i really appreciate the active discussion and helpfulness on these forums. This thread can be closed, i’m going to be spending a few days now getting stuck into the code now.

The TestChatClient/TestChatServer apps are the simplest full usage of SpiderMonkey, as an example. It shows the basic boilerplate for running a server and a client. Anyone with the knowledge to make a networked game can go immediately from there but it’s still a good starting place for understanding the API.

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I’ve asked for the same thing, but then i got shunned from jmonkey. gay.


@HunterLong said: I've asked for the same thing, but then i got shunned from jmonkey. gay.

You got almost word for word the exact same answers… and then disagreed with us.

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