Optimizing objects inside JMP

@normen like I said it does not allow me to choose which nightly version I need or at least does not state that I can’t do that , and that was my question :slight_smile:

nightly or stable, you’ll have to live with it. we cannot support every conceivable combination. bottom line: don’t use nightly for production games.

yes lesson learned and thank you.

Now as my objects are officially optimized, I am still getting a low fps, any idea? I tried to batch all the static nodes together in a batchNode like u suggested but looking at the log it attaches the children then detaches them w/o ay explanation. Any idea why?

To avoid cross posting this is the topc:http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/groups/general-2/forum/topic/creating-floor/?_wpnonce=4da2e5b801#post-165805

Mar 2, 2012 1:10:57 PM com.jme3.scene.BatchNode doBatch

INFO: Batched 7,068 geometries in 7,067 batches.

this is the main issue but I don’t understand why!!!

Because the materials differ. Thats not the case in stable.

but it’s the same object, the materials shouldn’t differ! right?

I am loading the objects of the same type (plane square) in a batchNode.

:roll: As I said its not the case in stable. In nightly the materials do differ to the system due to various circumstances.

ok answer this and you never have to answer me every again lol

my main project is running a certain nightly build (certain date NOT THE LATEST). Using the Stable version is too early as some updates in the nightly are needed in my project.

1- How can get around this problem? since you’re saying the reason is the nightly build for not letting the batchNode work the right way.

2- Where can I get the latest stable to use in Eclipse (not a nightly)? as the one I am currently looking at is 2011.

again sorry for the confusion but once I get this figured I shouldn’t bug u guys anymore

Just use stable, its in svn under branches/3.0beta, from where the stable SDK updates get built.

I know only this location: http://code.google.com/p/jmonkeyengine/source/browse/?r=8540#svn%2Fbranches%2F3.0beta

and this : http://jmonkeyengine.com/updates/stable/3.0beta/

Does the platform base contain on the libs I needed for jMe?? but it hasn’t been updated since 22-Oct-2011 - does that mean that I have to go dig in the nightly builds and find the updates that I need to get it running like I want?

I don’t know how to explain it else. What you need is a build from http://jmonkeyengine.googlecode.com/svn/branches/3.0beta/engine/ and a SDK that is updated to stable.

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and if that is not clear u need an SVN software to get that where u pass it the link normen posted (I personally use tortoise svn as it’s really simple) and also a compiler for it (I use ANT) so download that source to a folder, compile it using ant and then use these libararies (jars) into your project, you should now be using the stable version :slight_smile:

hope that helps

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okay great! now I am running the stable version on both the SDK and the Eclipse project. However, I am still having the issues:

(1) still getting several batches instead of 1 batch

Mar 5, 2012 3:26:01 PM com.jme3.scene.BatchNode doBatch

INFO: Batched 7,068 geometries in 7,067 batches.


as u can see my code is simple so I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong with my code as far as batching, I am following the example in the wiki exactly.

Guys I am sure I am running the same version on both but still I am getting 7067 batches instead of one :S

Also I have my objects in obj and when I try to convert them to j3o after copying/paste them in model assets nothing happens and they don’t convert!!! If I try to import to project I get CANT IMPORT file error

try putting them all in a Node (not a BatchNode), do a setMaterial() on the node and then try batching them. BatchNode is new and doesn’t necessarily work in all cases.

worked like a charm :)))))

ok one more question and I’m gone… so I am batching my static objects only. I have objects that move periodically like 10% of the time if not less. I read the wiki about the possibility of attaching/deatching to the batch. Is that a better approach than treating these objects (and I’m talking like 4000 of them) as individual nodes?

thanks again normen

I don’t think so as the buffer would have to be resized (so essentially recreated)

ah man… so LOD is the next approach I guess once I figure out why I cant convert my .obj into j3o