Particle editor

just started playing with this again …nice damn nice…except for two things

  1. built a flame and saved it but although at appears that it should attach the .jme ext the file it doesn't you have to do it yourself(small issue)

  2. for some reason opening my flame directly seemed to break it( looks blocky and weird), if I start a new project and import the layer thwe flame looks right again, delete the default layer and it breaks all over again cam't upload a screenie though hope I provided enough info

    thanks in advance

particles and the editor are still undergoing upgrades atm.  Please pardon the dust.

understandable still nice though seems more robust to, good work

cant seem to do black smoke or so it seems. is it because the background is also black that it can't be seen,can something be put in place the change the BG color

Yep… still working on it.  :slight_smile:

cool! :slight_smile:

Since Josh doesn't seem to want to toot his own horn, I'll toot it for him. Check out the latest particle stuff from CVS (it now supports points, lines and batches). Batches is very cool, as you can throw in a model and the triangles of the model become particles. There are new tests that show off the effects.

Yeah the new system is awesome.

Maybe darkfrog is reading this? There was on old thread about a rain effect… I think the latest changes should be perfect for this. I'd love to see some weather effects in CVS, starting with Rain.

Good idea about precanned rain.  Of course gl lines are not great for simulating particles with depth because their thickness is uniform regardless of distance from viewer, but they should be good enough for many uses.

mojomonk said:

Batches is very cool, as you can throw in a model and the triangles of the model become particles.

can someone say broken glass :D , shrapnel :D are particles going to be collidable (yes not actually a word, I know.......I know ;)
Batches is very cool, as you can throw in a model and the triangles of the model become particles.

Maybe the destruction of objects based on their proximity to an explosion. Or that whole vampire disintegration thing.

I recently added a ParticleInfluence system that lets you write your own classes to influence particles, so you could do things like define a plane a deflect particles that hit it, build complex particle pathing, etc.

renanse said:

I recently added a ParticleInfluence system that lets you write your own classes to influence particles, so you could do things like define a plane a deflect particles that hit it, build complex particle pathing, etc.

how about a small test nothing fancy............for us noobs

Test of…?  There are several particle tests in cvs already, including one that uses the built in wind influence.

:// should look harder next time