Hi people of the jME world.
I am here to anounce my first jME game. It is still in development, so bare with me. Unfortunately I don’t have any server that can host my game file for you people to play with, but if any of you know of a free web hosting site, which allows more that 2Mb file uploads please let me know.
Check out my current site: http://www.geocities.com/nickidebruyn
Here is some screenshots for the time being:
If you want me to email you the game, please lets me know!
Thanks to Mojo and the crew.
Looks great! I’d love to play it. And I’d be pleased to host the file for you if you’d like. Let me know and we can make arrangements.
Yep, I see them fine.
Wait, I take that back, they are broken links now…
Now they are back
Ok, get your files here:
By the way, the screenshots are not working again.
Just played… for some reason, I’m really bad. It ran great and looked good. I just couldn’t keep from hitting the boxes in the middle
Keep it up!
Wow. Definitely shows off jME!
I too am far better at writing games than playing them.
I did notice two exceptions dumped on startup, although they didn’t affect my gameplay as far as I could tell.
I don’t know what causes this first one:
at za.co.pr.game.LoadingState.updateState(LoadingState.java:109)
at za.co.jxge.general.states.StateSystem.updateCurrentState(StateSystem.java:54)
at za.co.pr.game.PipeRunner2004.update(PipeRunner2004.java:37)
at com.jme.app.FixedFramerateGame.start(Unknown Source)
at za.co.pr.game.PipeRunner2004.main(PipeRunner2004.java:32)
Apr 30, 2004 11:12:14 AM com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem initializeOpenAL
INFO: OpenAL initalized!
Apr 30, 2004 11:12:14 AM com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem initalizeEAX
INFO: Initalizing EAX
Apr 30, 2004 11:12:14 AM com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem initalizeEAX
WARNING: Failed to Initialize EAX
org.lwjgl.openal.OpenALException: Unable to determine EAX Extensions
at org.lwjgl.openal.eax.EAX20.determineAvailableExtensions(Native Method)
at org.lwjgl.openal.eax.EAX20.init(Unknown Source)
at org.lwjgl.openal.eax.EAX.create(Unknown Source)
at com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem.initalizeEAX(Unknown Source)
at com.jme.sound.lwjgl.SoundSystem.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.jme.sound.SoundAPIController.getSoundSystem(Unknown Source)
at za.co.jxge.factory.sound.SoundFactory.loadSound(SoundFactory.java:33)
at za.co.pr.game.LoadingState.updateState(LoadingState.java:124)
at za.co.jxge.general.states.StateSystem.updateCurrentState(StateSystem.java:54)
at za.co.pr.game.PipeRunner2004.update(PipeRunner2004.java:37)
at com.jme.app.FixedFramerateGame.start(Unknown Source)
at za.co.pr.game.PipeRunner2004.main(PipeRunner2004.java:32)
The second one is caused by my poor sound hardware (SoundMax onboard). Sound still works great.
But perhaps the sound-system should provide better error handling by default?
But perhaps the sound-system should provide better error handling by default?
It is handling it. That's why you can still hear sound after you receive the EAX error. There is just a print on the stack trace that LWJGL returns for debugging purposes.
Yes, I understand it’s just reporting missing hardware features.
I was thinking it would be cleaner to just report an error rather than dump a stacktrace. I guess it doesn’t matter.
Pretty nice game, tGiant. Seems like we need to give you guys some better collision detection options though as I’m sure my ship should have fit under that darn box.
It’s rather fun to see what’s in development out there. Keep these coming!
Hi Guys.
Thanks for the nice replies. The game is still in its urly age, so there is still a lot to do, but thank you for your comments! I will try to implement those collisions a bit better.
My web site is updated now, and you can download the game if you like!
BTW: The new jME version really looks nice and I’ll start playing with those new features! Good luck, and great job.
Cool game. Surprisingly fun to play in this early stage! Great work.
One strange thing: pressing the up arrow key causes a VM crash! Here’s the relevant snippet of where it’s dying:
Current Java thread:
at org.lwjgl.openal.AL10.alGetSourcef(Native Method)
at com.jme.sound.lwjgl.Source.getPitch(Unknown Source)
at za.co.pr.input.action.ShipMoveUpAction.performAction(ShipMoveUpAction.java:45)
I think this might actually be our fault, though I'm not sure.
Thanks Eric. I will have a look into it! It could be the way I’m implementing the InputHandler, but then it also could be something in jME itself.
I was thinking of making the game multiplayer, but would like your opinion on it! Do you think it will be worth while?
I’m also setting up levels with different types of textures and objects and pipe lenghts.
When you press the up arrow for a bit, and increase your speed, a Homer Simpson quote is played. Perhaps you are reaching the speed necessary for the quote and it’s failing to load. Do you ever hear Homer Simpson?
tGiant, if there was the possibility the have never ending smoothly curving dynamically created pipes would you be interested?
No, I don’t hear any quote. It makes sense, then, that the game is failing somewhere inside our sound code. We can immediately rule out any problems with OpenAL and lwjgl 0.9 'cause my own audio subsystem runs perfectly.
One small thing to note: all I have to do is tap the key for the VM to crash, not hold it down.
Weird because it works ok on my machine… Is this perhaps a hardware issue not being caught?
Hi Mojo.
O" yes I would definitely be interested in a smooth pipe, can you help me on that? I don’t know if you realized, but I am currently letting the space ship run on a BezierCurve and are generating the pipe around the curve position.
Thank Mojo
Regarding the sound problem, I think it is something to do with the system hardware, because both my home and work machines works fine with the homer sound, and it doesn’t bom out at all.
I will try to test and debug it. The exception occurs when I increase the sounds pitch. Can you do me a favour and test it with the down button as well?