Play video on jme3

Thanks bro.
This is what i wanted. no thing can feel better than a pure library.
again thanks.

Wouldn’t it be best to utilize hardware decoding etc when available? More efficient. Less battery usage. Less CPU usage. etc. etc. I would think sticking to a software only implementation (especially a pure java implementation) would be counter-productive. Just my humble opinion.

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Yes it would be,
but since I am mainly time constrained (development time), I would not care.

That would be stuff to check on later when it works, and it can be improved by paying for itself.

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You can still use JOGL to play the videos under Android instead of reinventing the wheel or using OpenJFX/JavaFX :slight_smile:

Can you quote an example in jme.
as I know JME use LWJGL not JOGL.

Just a heads up, I tried JCodec, pure java mentioned in that link, couldn’t get it playing at more than 5fps on my desktop.

Mr Marbles explained how to use it with JMonkeyEngine 3 here. Sorry to contradict you but all major scenegraph APIs, frameworks and engines including JMonkeyEngine 2 and 3 rely on several sets of Java bindings for OpenGL and/or OpenGL ES. Note that JMonkeyEngine doesn’t use the first set of bindings you mentioned under Android, it uses the build-in Android OpenGL ES API but it’s possible to use the JOGL media player under Android without using it for the rest of the rendering.

The JOGL JMonkeyEngine 3 renderer is experimental and works only in desktop environments even though JOGL supports Android.

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Which video type have you tried? VP8?

Thanks friend .
I did not know about it. Sorry for my lacking of knowledge. And thanks you to let me know about it.

I only tried mp4. The problem (from what I could tell) was that it will only grab individual frames, and does not go from frame to frame, it always started from the beginning and went to the frame number/time you requested.

If you could solve problem and successfully play the video whit jCodec ; please provide the code so we can use it tooooooooooo. :kissing_heart:

Unfortunately I don’t think the devs work on it anymore, and I could not solve it so abandoned it long ago.

EDIT: I think I’m wrong it is still updated; either way I could not figure it out. Examples on the home page didn’t run. A better programmer than I might find an easy solution, I didn’t exactly look too deeply and don’t know what I’m doing :slight_smile:

I’d like to add a small example into JMonkeyEngine, a simple rotating cube with a video played on each face, by porting this example using JOGL:

However, it will be useless for you if you persist in not using the JOGL backend and it’s difficult to port to JMonkeyEngine as it uses a lot of JOGL helper classes.

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