...player changes his armor, weapons and the like

Hi there!

I want my character to change it's outfit everytime the player changes his armor, weapons and the like…

How can I do that? I need to store all the possible combinations inside an array? Or is there someting more "intelligent" to do?


simple armor -> short sword

full armor -> two-hand-sword


The "correct" way to do this is make the objects (armor and weapons) seperate models and the character a model (without any items). Then attach the object models to the player model as he obtains them.

This requires: matching object models animation to the player model. (The chest armor would need to move to match the player running, for example).

In NWN, the bosy is broken into head, chest, upper and lower arms, hands, waist, upper and lower legs, feet and maybe more.  When you switched a part of the armor, that entire model section was replaced.  shield and weapons were simply placed in the hands.

And NWN model loader will be in before too long… ?  :smiley:

Thx so much…!!!

…I was afraid you were going to say something like that… :lol:

mojomonk said:

And NWN model loader will be in before too long... ?  :D

The "correct" way to do this is make the objects (armor and weapons) seperate models and the character a model (without any items). Then attach the object models to the player model as he obtains them.