I created a splitscreen game by cloning the original cam:
Camera cam2 = this.cam.clone();
this.cam.setViewPort( 0.0f , 1f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
cam2.setViewPort( 0.0f , 1f, 0.51f, 1f);
cam2.resize(this.settings.getWidth(), this.settings.getHeight(), true);
cam.resize(this.settings.getWidth(), this.settings.getHeight(), true);
and create a new viewport for it:
this.view2 = renderManager.createMainView(“View of camera 2”, cam2);
this.view2.setClearFlags(false, true, false);
each cam follows a vehicle. This seems to works fine.
But booth vehicles got AudioNodes which are set to positional and
they are only audible when near the original cam.
What have I forgotten to make them audible for booth?