Positioning an image using Nifty

Hi guys.

I’m using nifty for my GUI (Java, not XML). I have two images. One, I want to display in the centre of the screen. I have done this. However I have a second image I want to be in the centre of the screen on the Y Axis, but on the left side of the screen for X (aka X=0). No matter what I change, the second image appears in the middle of the screen. Help!

Current Nifty code:

[java]layer(new LayerBuilder(“Layer”) {
childLayoutCenter(); // layer properties, add more…

                    // <panel>
                    panel(new PanelBuilder("Panel") {
                            childLayoutCenter(); // panel properties, add more...               

                            // add image
                            image(new ImageBuilder() {
                            //.. add more GUI elements here              

                     panel(new PanelBuilder("Panel1") {
                            childLayoutVertical(); // panel properties, add more...               

                            // add image
                            image(new ImageBuilder() {
                            //.. add more GUI elements here              

                    // </panel>
            // </layer>[/java]

it looks like this:

I need the “Swansea university virtual campus” window on the left.


The problem is in the second panel you need to set alingLeft() on it not in the Image inside. Have a look here :

panel(new PanelBuilder(“Panel1″) {
childLayoutVertical(); // panel properties, add more…
// add image
image(new ImageBuilder() {


                            //.. add more GUI elements here              


I also suggest if you are nifty-gui beginner to try my nifty-editor to get use of nifty layout :slight_smile: . Moreover now that new release is almost ready :slight_smile:

Thanks for that, worked 100%!