Predator Thermal Vision Filter available in the ShaderBlow Plugin

A predator thermal vision filter is now available in the ShaderBlow Plugin, it was adapted from here (thanks to @mifth for finding it):


PredatorVisionFilter predatorVisFilter = new PredatorVisionFilter ();
fpp.addFilter(predatorVisFilter );


OMG! This is super super super cooL!

BTW, are there any tweaks of the effect?
I see “FX_Offset” parameter on the screenshot.

thats the x amount which will cover the screen (in your image it will be 0.5), I think that’s just for comparison purposes. Its hardcoded to full screen in my shader (i.e 1)

@wezrule said: thats the x amount which will cover the screen (in your image it will be 0.5), I think that's just for comparison purposes. Its hardcoded to full screen in my shader (i.e 1)
Can you make it as variable which can be set in the filter settings? It would be cool. :)

As you are the shader master i would also make my wishes for future development:

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I added it as a filter parameter:

I’m not a shader master :stuck_out_tongue: and i’m sure you’re more than capable of porting those examples :slight_smile:

@wezrule said: I added it as a filter parameter: [java]predatorVisFilter.setScreenWidth(0.5f);[/java]

I’m not a shader master :stuck_out_tongue: and i’m sure you’re more than capable of porting those examples :slight_smile:

Oohh… it seems it’s not such a useful parameter… Sorry, i thought it does something more…

I write at present a SimpleWorldEditor. I think i’ll write it pretty long time yet.

thats what I was trying to say :stuck_out_tongue:

@wezrule said: thats what I was trying to say :P

Really, sorry man! I misunderstood it. You can revert if you want.

no worries, it can be useful for someone I guess, no harm having it :slight_smile:

Ok, no problem :slight_smile: