Problems while loading a 3D Object

At first, I’m bad in english. So please don’t cry…

I’ve made an Object in Blender, exported it, so I had an .obj File. When I’ve tried to load this model in jme3, I just got a plain. After trying it with an Ogre XML Model, I’ve got a plain, too. Opening in Blender, it looks right.

Then I copied source from an tutorial and replaced the Model in the example by my model. Okay, no plain, but it’s just some crappy mix that doesn’t make sense. Does anyone know, why I just don’t get the model displayed I want?

Man, you can load your .blend model directly in jmp ;). By default, the ogrexml version of jmp is for blender 2.49, but if you update your jmp, the ogrexml will be compatible with the blender 2.59x…2.6 versions ;). Also, whatcha u talkin bout “I’ve got a plain” wilis?

with plain, I mean that I just can see two Dimensions of my model

Never heard about it before, could u provide us a screen shot?