I started a github repo to collect and to provide project’s templates. The repo will include instructions and a list of templates (your contributions are welcome).
I bootstrap it with 2 basics templates using gradle one for jme 3.0 and one jme 3.1.
More to come,
PS: It should help some of you, who used SDK just to create new project.
But one thing gradle does have that maven doesn’t is the ability to slap a URL right into a build.gradle file to suck in another gradle file that could include a setupJmeProject task.
Edit: might be able to run a gradle file from a URL also… I’ll have to see.
I think that’s not really a great idea in the end. Better to have the build.gradle files have real stuff in them than to depend on having magic in a hidden script somewhere.
ie: those are for setting up standard environment not for initializing a build just for the first time.
my point is : Having a command that scaffolds a standard JME project, with all the asset folders shebang, the simpleApplication cube demo, and a proper gradle build with JME dependencies.
If we could say to users : install gradle CLI, create a folder, cd into it, launch gradle init JME, and boom…
Well, yes, a plugin. I don’t know much about gradle so I’m poking around
But from what I see you need a build.gradle to be able to use a plugin
So you can’t start from an empty folder.
It woudl be : gradle init, then edit the build.gradle to setup the plugin, then run the plugin.