RayCast car tutorial?

maybe I should just avoid having the vehicle go where the landscape is’nt flat … so no physics at all…
I’ll make some tests

Just do what I said and READ. You have the global jme3-libraries included which also has jbullet which is used when both jbullet and bullet are included. This is mentioned in both the article you linked yourself and the “Application deployment” manual entry I asked you to read.

this one ?? : http://wiki.jmonkeyengine.org/doku.php/sdk:application_deployment ???
cos the link I pasted above dont say much, and it is not event mentioning “application deployment” I must be blind

I guess you are, yes.

From your link:

How to use it

Using jMP
When you update to the latest nightly of jMP you will get an additional library that you can add to your projects. Follow the instructions on how to customize the libraries of your project and use the “jme3-libraries-physics-native” library instead of the default one. (Make sure you really remove the default library set, jbullet will be used when its in the classpath too)

Using ANT or a nightly zip
When you build jME3 using ant or download the nightly you will get an additional “dist/opt/” folder. The Manifest of the jMonkeyEngine3.jar contains entries for both bullet versions so they can be swapped easily. Just remove the “jME3-jbullet.jar” from the “dist/lib/” directory and copy the files from “dist/opt/bullet-native/lib/” to “dist/lib”. Then double-click the jMonkeyEngine3.jar or start it with java -jar jMonkeyEngine3.jar

From the app deployment doc (manual is also in the SDK, press F1):

There may be several parts of the full jMonkeyEngine library that you do not even use in your application. You should leave out the corresponding libraries from your distribution.

To remove unused libraries:

Right-click your project and select “Properties”
Select “Libraries” on the left
Select the “jme3-libraries” entry and press “remove”.
This library package contains all libraries for jME3 and is quite large.
Press the “Add Library” button
Select the “jme3-libraries-lwjgl-minimum” library
Add other jME3 libraries in the same way depending which features you use:
jme3-libraries-gui, jme3-libraries-physics, jme3-libraries-video, etc.
Click OK.
Clean, Build and Run the project and make sure you have not missed anything.

ok I just dont get it, I dont see the link between thatn and the image I pasted
forget it
never mind
