Ready to join as an artist

ok, no problem. :slight_smile: JME RULEZZZ!!!

normen said:
Ah, forgot to say, to get an impression of the original game, you can download a windows7 compatible version of the 1998 original here:

Hah, I still got that one on an original cd-rom, didn't notice yet you were going for that one hehe. Also, I believe there was a sequel to that game, perhaps you want to look into that one too to get some more ideas? I think the controls and movements are way smoother in that one.
baalgarnaal said:
Also, I believe there was a sequel to that game, perhaps you want to look into that one too to get some more ideas? I think the controls and movements are way smoother in that one.

Yeah, @nehon first saw the hovertank of BZ2 when he modeled his hovertank. Tho BZ1 is where the spirit lives ;)

if someone is interested i posted first concept.

As i think i would like to concept for monkeys race:

mobile: hovertank, heavy tank (caterpillar?), light hovercraft, buggy, scavenger, recycler, walker

static: barracks, power plant

as @nehon mentioned i will make separate threads in Monkeyzone forum about every concept.

When concepts will be ready everybody who want to model are able to start. :slight_smile:

Nehon, in what races your models will be? Humans or monkeys? I mean the Hover tank, the buggy, the Recycler…

If they are in monkeys race so i will not be concepting them.

I’m kind of making a story for the Monkey Zone game with sketch and some art (sceneplay…)

So , I want to tell you guys my idea about “quick” story plot for MonkeyZone:

1 Like

Uh, that screen is cool, but… is it really 100% made of free and / or your own material or material you can use this way? I am just asking because we wouldn’t want to get into trouble with such things… If you did do this all yourself consider this a compliment :wink:

Well , it’s not completely free (only the monkey head in the center is from a photo in the internet which I don’t know the licence , others is mine-made ) … I just want to make a quick story and to show you guys ideas now but whenever we decided to make it in the real game, :smiley: => sure, I can draw it by my own with no probs …


You mean all those are your drawings?

well i’m stunned it’s very good.

2 remarks :

  • Orlando bloom is certainly not free to use :stuck_out_tongue:
  • “Spicer - a young, sexy, but very intelligent lady from earth”. I always thought that multi-classing was over powered :smiley:

more young, sexy gals from earth plz, bigger boobs, intelligence is not so important! :smiley: ==> leads to one hell of a story!

@nehon: Haha , i’m just kidding about the Bloom thing, I 've tried to create my own sketch of Kian and will post it here very soon ! But ya guys can see him in the form a of monkey which have long blone hair and a little bit of fur on his face … the sketch will be about a more dangerous , combative creature and more muscles to show … The detailed Kian, Jara, Bundal, Spicer and Sroider is coming. Give me one more day please !

@f4ntti : give me some ideas about more chicks (who they are, how they evovle in the story) plz … I love to draw big (.)(.) … lol

Another awesome MonkeyZone contribution. Placeholder art is perfectly fine as long as it’s not distributed. When the story is packed along with the other assets to make up the complete game, then we can only use your original work (which I will kindly ask you to share with a CC-BY license). In the meantime, I say scrap together whatever you need to make quick story chunks like these, because we have some iterations ahead of us.

I have feedback for you, but please start a new thread along the lines of “Visualized storyline” in the MonkeyZone forum and I’ll comment there.

@erlend_sh: Ok , sorry about the wrong posting … I will make a different topic for this little “quick” story ! Thank you.

And i understand carefully my self about the license thing. So my own art will replace all others “place holder” art very soon !

f4ntti said:
more young, sexy gals from earth plz, bigger boobs, intelligence is not so important! :D ==> leads to one hell of a story!

"And the dumb but damn sexy looking people from earth were to stupid to realize their actions would lead nowhere, so they assaulted the base anyway and..."
baalgarnaal said:
"And the dumb but damn sexy looking people from earth were to stupid to realize their actions would lead nowhere, so they assaulted the base anyway and..."

"...fired their leizzaaaaaar, while their t-shirts were all gettin wet from heavy rain, which had started after dumb sexy ppl had tested their leeeiiiizzaaaar on sea, which had transformed to gas and started raining down..."

sounds good, this would be the necessary humor part of the storyline....