Red exclamations exist -- jME in Netbeans

Hi, all:

I strictly followed the tutorial here

However, after all steps, there still exist some red exclamations in my project.
It seems all files that not correctly compiled rely on lwjgl, jogl, etc. Actually, rely on libraries in the subfolder "lib" .

However, unlike Eclipse can always find its dependencies using Java Build Path, Netbeans doesn't have such a thing.
So, how can I specify those .lib dependencies in the Netbeans project? so that there will be no red exclamations on those file icons? This is somewhat annoying anyway.

Best Regards

Expand your libraries folder under the project and check that the listed dependencies match those in my image. If they do not, right click the libraries folder and select ‘Download Missing Dependencies’ so they are in your local maven repository. This way you can use maven in an ‘Off line Mode’. I suspect that you are missing the ‘jinput-SNAPSHOT.jar’, which is a dependency of lwjgl.

Have you used the '' script in the lib directory to import the dependencies into your local maven repository? It will need to be run from the jMonkeyEngine root folder, so the command will look like './lib/' on linux. If you are on windoz you have to create a batch script with the same 'mvn install:install-file …' lines in it. You will also need a local maven distribution installed and accessible on the path. I also recommend pointing your netbeans installation to this maven distribution, as there are bugs in the maven plugin for netbeans ( they are using a prerelease 3.0 of maven and it is unstable ). Once you use the script to import the dependencies it should build and the error markers should be gone.

Hi, realbadapple:

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

Yes, as you suggested, I did './lib/'  on my Ubuntu 9.10.
What's more, I checked my maven, it is a local one of version 2.2.1, but not 3.0 .

I attached 1 picture to show what's happening on my Ubuntu 9.10+Netbeans 6.8

Seriously hope that you may help.

Best Regards

realbadapple said:

Have you used the '' script in the lib directory to import the dependencies into your local maven repository? It will need to be run from the jMonkeyEngine root folder, so the command will look like './lib/' on linux. If you are on windoz you have to create a batch script with the same 'mvn install:install-file ...' lines in it. You will also need a local maven distribution installed and accessible on the path. I also recommend pointing your netbeans installation to this maven distribution, as there are bugs in the maven plugin for netbeans ( they are using a prerelease 3.0 of maven and it is unstable ). Once you use the script to import the dependencies it should build and the error markers should be gone.

Hi, readbadapple:

Thank you so so so so so much !!

Now, jME is fine, no more "error" indications.
But, jME Physics 2 still has quite a lot of "red exclamations".

I "Download Missing Dependencies" already.
Just wondering

1) Is jME Physics 2 is still under maintenance?

2) The attached picture show that current jME Physics 2 is still using jme-1.0rc1, which seems to be quite old. right?

3) If jME Physics 2 depends on the old jme-1.0rc1, how can I change jme-1.0rc1 to my own jme-3.0rc (current development) or jme-2.0.1 (stable version)  as  the library that jME Physics 2 depends on?

Best Regards and happy new year !!!

I don't use jmephysics ( those guys don't keep their source code repositories clean and change hosts every year! ) I use jbullet with no wrapper, but I have looked into it for you. It looks like the problem is they are not using maven anymore for their builds, so when you check out the code from (googlecode is the most recent) their repository with netbeans and open the project it opens it as a maven project. You will have to build jme2 and import the required files to your local maven repo and then update the references in your pom.xml file for jmephysics2.