Running a Server without updateloop


I would require a passive Server without updateloop. Mainly for managing loginData and giving out a serverlist to the clients.

Is it even possible to start a Server without extending SimpleApplication and so without the updateloop?

I am thinking of something like:


public class ServerStart {

public static void main(String args[]){

try {

Server myServer=Network.createServer(ServerInfo.MasterServerPort);


} catch (IOException ex) {

Logger.getLogger(ServerStart.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);





The question is, is this even possible (does the Server require SimpleApplication?) ?

If yes, is there a way of letting the program run without implementing some kind of endless loop?

The spidermonkey server Does NOT require simple application. What you are suggesting is fine

I believe you are looking for something like this

[java] public static void main(String[] args)


final Server Server = Network.createServer(ServerInfo.MasterServerPort);

Runnable main = new Runnable()



public void run()



while (true)


synchronized (Server)






catch (InterruptedException ex)


// logger.error("Error In Login Server main");






new Thread(main).start();


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You can also go with an approach where you have a simple console command line. After you initialize the server do something like:


BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

String line = null;

while( (line = in.readLine()) != null ) {

if( "exit".equals(line) ) {




// Gracefully shut down the server


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