Running Jmonkeyengine SDK on Chromebook

RUNNING JMONKEYENGINE SDK or Jmonkeyplatform on Chromebook ChromeOs with Linux Development Option in Chrome OS.

Someone asked this question on forum before so, I confirm that jmonkeyengine works on chromeos.

My Chromebook Specs:

Dell Chromebook 11 3180
Intel Processor Celeron N 3060

Running Fire and Explosion Demo,

Simple Water Demo and Post Processing Effects Water Demo


I’m not sure about Arm (Mediatek) processors but Intel works and surely AMD one will also work. So, frame rates are not too good. Don’t know why. If you turn this book into windows or Linux book. Then it will run better performance wise. Windows PC/Laptop is recommended. Use it for just coding or fun… I am using it for learning jmonkeyengine. something like making basic games… etc.