It looks like your setting the scroll area dimensions to 20px x 20px.
Let me know if that’s the issue…
You may want to try the ScrollPanel instead. It is set up to automate reshape, making it much easier to use. if you only need vertical scrolling, call setUseVerticalWrap(true);
What’s the best practice to get these things to line up correctly?
Will it automatically scroll based on how many elements I add or do I have to set this somehow myself?
There are now multiple options for aligning things easily… My personal preference is to use the LayoutHelper directly:
Something like:
// Reset the layout helper
// Add the margins
// Loop through to set the new Y position of each button
for (ButtonAdapter ba : someListOfButtonAdapters) {
// Call position() to set the Vector2f of the ButtonAdapter to the current position of the LayoutHelper
// Let the LAyoutHelper advance the Y position the height of the current ButtonAdapter
// Call reshape on the ScrollPanel (if you are using that… which I would suggest)
// This is only necessary if you are not setting the content position when you add it
// Loop through a second time to flip the Y since this is OpenGL
// After they will be ordered correctly
for (ButtonAdapter ba : someListOfButtonAdapters) {
The other option now, is to set the ScrollPanel’s layout and add LayoutHints to each controls. Using the flow layout and setting the LayoutHint “wrap” on each would have the same effect as above. This would look something like:
Here is really qick example of using ScrollPanel and FlowLayout… however, do remember I haven’t added grow and fill to the layout yet, so you have to resize according to the scrollSize (scrollbar)
ScrollPanel sp = new ScrollPanel(screen,
new Vector2f(150,300)
FlowLayout layout = new FlowLayout(screen,“margins 0 0 0 0”,“pad 0 0 0 0”);
List<ButtonAdapter> list = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
ButtonAdapter ba = new ButtonAdapter(screen, Vector2f.ZERO, new Vector2f(150-sp.getScrollSize(), 30));
ba.getLayoutHints().define("wrap","fill true false","grow true false");
ba.setText("Button " + i);
for (ButtonAdapter ba : list) {
Last thing I’d like to do is make it scroll sideways instead of up and down if possible.
But this is very close to what Im needing at this point and I can at least continue on with testing
The only hold up on this is I need to finish Horizontal Layout… and add the option to NOT wrap. For the time being, use the non-layout version above and just keep calling advanceY on LayoutHelper.
ScrollPanel has both V & H scrolling… currently, You can disable Horizontal, but not Vertical. Just make sure that you content sizes correctly to getScrollBoundsHeight() and the Vertical scrolling should never show up.
that’s okay, then I have to ask one more question!
I currently have my button’s width set to half the width the on the inventory menu!
But when it adds the scroll, it covers up one of the buttons every so slightly, as the scroll bar adds to the width of the panel.
My super awesome question is, how do I set the width of my buttons to just width of the window area of the scroll area? Not the window and the bar combined
that’s okay, then I have to ask one more question!
I currently have my button’s width set to half the width the on the inventory menu!
But when it adds the scroll, it covers up one of the buttons every so slightly, as the scroll bar adds to the width of the panel.
My super awesome question is, how do I set the width of my buttons to just width of the window area of the scroll area? Not the window and the bar combined
Thanks for reading!
This should be automatic… that’s not saying it is… but, eventually… (within a week or so) I’ll have flow, horizontal and vertical more complete.
For now… after calling reshape()… loop through the elementChildren of getScrollableArea() and adjust there width (or height) to the getScrollBoundsWidth() or getScrollBoundsHeight(). Like so:
This is for setting the x position and height:
Element lastEl = null;
for (Element el : sp.getScrollableArea().getElements()) {
if (lastEl != null)
lastEl = el;