SDK platform base 7.2 – please test!

a) Linux issue, outside our influence

b) Linux issue, same

c) Linux issue, partly in lwjgls influence

Idk why Linux supports and open technology like Java 10times worse than Apple but it is so.


Yeah i feared something like that. With a.) and b.) i can live quite well, but c.) is really annoying and makes using the SDK quite pointless. You said it is partly in LWJGLs influence, do you know wether they are working on it, or is this just a “known issue” no-one really cares to fix?

What confuses me is that i can take a screencast of netbeans which shows everything, but i can’t take a screenshot? That’s odd…

I do have a windows installation, but i don’t really want to switch to windows just to use the SDK. It’s a shame really. One could make such great games for linux with linux and jME, but then you get such stones thrown in your way.

Actually the Open Source parties have been especially annoying in the latest time (blender, linux et al) while the “evil” companies did quite well in supporting the things we want to do (Oracle, Apple even Microsoft apart from their drivers lack of OpenGL).

Did you play with the suggestions in the troubleshooting section of the manual?

Yeah, that’s why i am using the proprietary ATI driver, it just works better then the open source alternatives.

Actually, yes, i tried some of the things suggested in the troubleshooting section. Enabling the heavyweight canvas immediately throws a whole bunch of exceptions, the following 4 errors popped up:

  1. & 2.

    Error in scene!

    (java.lang.IllegalStateException: Display not created)


    Error in scene!

    (java.lang.IllegalStateException: Keyboard must be created before you can poll the device)


    Error in scene!

    (org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: X Error - disp: 0x7fa80478e980 serial: 61 error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) request_code: 1 minor_code: 0)

    After closing them, the SDK froze.

    The other things seem not to apply (the JDk is found, i don’t have update problems and the SDk starts, my graphic card driver is as new as possible).

…and you use the Oracle JDK?

java -version
java version "1.7.0_02"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_02-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)

I will try what happens when i update it to the newest version.

That could still be OpenJDK. Afaik the sun JDK isn’t in the ubuntu update center anymore.

@normen said:
That could still be OpenJDK. Afaik the sun JDK isn't in the ubuntu update center anymore.

Yes, but i installed the Oracle one myself manually. So yes, i'm definitely using Oracles JDK. I only have OpenJDK 1.6 installed.

Ok, i found a solution:

When the scene explorer disappears as i described, you can get it back by closing all open java files and by closing the scene explorer window and re-opening it.

This is far from being optimal, but at least you do not need to restart the SDK all the time.

This got me thinking, and i moved the scene explorer window:

As you can easily see, i was able to create a screenshot just fine. And i can also have as many source code files opened as i want.

So, the problem seems to be the stacking of the window and moving it before/behind the panel that shows the source code.

Sadly, this way the window is a little bit too small. But i can simply have it where it is by default, and when it disappears i move it to the bottom and then back to the top and the scene is shown again.

Well, this is not exactly what i hoped for, but at least it means i can try out the SDK and give it another shot. I already found out that some menues are not where they are described in the wiki (seems to have been moved a little), so i’ll try to contribute back by fixing those things in the wiki.

Yeah, some people also detached the scene window completely… Lets see how it will be on linux when theres multiple scenes and applications :confused:

Yeah, some people also detached the scene window completely..

Thanks for the hint, i tried that, but completely detaching the scene explorer (moving it to its own frame) does not work for me, it turns empty as soon as i move it to a separate frame:

I know a bug on Ubuntu 12 wih the current JMonkey (not beta), when you Ctrl+Space to show the option to complete the code, if you Alt+Tab when the pop-up window with the completation options is visible, the compiz crashes.

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This isn’t the “current” version, its a test version. Beta is the “current” version.

Hello I have tryed the window version too and It run perfectly

I am (that is not my computer) under window 7 64 bit famillial premium edition,

graphic cards informations :

Adapter: atiu9p64

Driver Version:

Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

OpenGL Version: 3.2.9655 Compatibility Profile Context

Renderer: ATI Radeon HD 5450

GLSL Ver: 1.50

Timer resolution: 1 000 ticks per second

Caps: [FrameBuffer, FrameBufferMRT, FrameBufferMultisample, TextureMultisample, OpenGL20, OpenGL21, OpenGL30, OpenGL31, OpenGL32, ARBprogram, GLSL100, GLSL110, GLSL120, GLSL130, GLSL140, GLSL150, VertexTextureFetch, TextureArray, TextureBuffer, FloatTexture, FloatColorBuffer, FloatDepthBuffer, PackedFloatTexture, SharedExponentTexture, PackedFloatColorBuffer, TextureCompressionLATC, NonPowerOfTwoTextures, MeshInstancing, VertexBufferArray, PackedDepthStencilBuffer]

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Ok, I meant the current Beta crashes the compiz (and I think this is compiz’s fault).

Sorry for OT but I need to ask this.

@polygnome how did you make the menu bar items become white and readable?

@rasmuseneman said:
Sorry for OT but I need to ask this.
@polygnome how did you make the menu bar items become white and readable?

I already wrote that on the page before:
But i have still some issues:
a.) Fonts were rendered poorly in menues. So i added the lines @normen provided in the first post to the config and it got better. Now, only disabled menu items were rendered poorly.

They were never completely invisible, but just barely readable due to very poor renedering.
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@polygnome Sorry for missing that. And thanks for answering :slight_smile:

The problem is that I can’t find the jmonkeyplatform.conf

Did search in ~/.jmonkeyplatform/ but couldn’t find it

I have just installed jMP from the alpha 4 release and updated to latest Nightly builds. Is it going to be updated to SDK platform base 7.2 or is it an entirely different branch?

Entirely different and cannot be updated. This is also the beta release of the base which is now stable. The real RC will be the first version with this base.