See through model Walls Problem


I was not sure where to post this, so I did it in the general forum.

My problem/question is Simple: How can I limit the view/camera so that I can’t see through walls in a loaded model with physics applied to it?

Exemplifying…Suppose I have a model of a room with no windows or doors, only the four walls exist. What I wan’t to accomplish is to, no matter how close I get to any of the walls, never being able to see through them.

Currently, I have a model of a room with physics attatched to it, and a rigidBodyControl that represents the First Person Mode (not sure if that’s the correct term…), and whenever I get to close to a wall, I can see whatever relies behind it even though I can’t cross it because of the collision detection.

Can someone explain me please, or point out the correct line of thought, to accomplish this?

Thanks, And cheers to you all!

something here should help:

Thanks for the fast reply!, I’m going to give it a look.


I solved the problem here:

But just partially. It still has some glitches. If you fix it, it would be perfect!

I solved the problem here:

But just partially. It still has some glitches. If you fix it, it would be perfect!

I'm new to all this 3D camera things, and i'm having quite a deal of problems trying to uderstand how to orquestrate it all. Can you (shirkit) please enlighthen me please on how to solve my problem using the PhysicsChaseCamera that you sugested?
