Selecting a part of a terrain using a square selector

Thanks for your advice. I haven’t gone deep into the framework. I will come back and get more comprehension of your advice.

Now I have another question. :sweat_smile: I initialized the terrain’s material and turned on its wireframe mode. But I could not turn it off when the game was running. I tried to set the terrain material wireframe mode to false, and let the terrain set its material again when running the game. This approach is not useful. How can I switch between different wireframe modes when the game is running? Thank you very much in advance!

Your code looks fine from here.

Your code looks fine from here.

Read it as “i dont have code you got”. Just telling in case.

We dont know how you make wireframe and what other types you mean

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Yep, that’s what I meant.

…we can’t debug code we cannot see. Unseen code looks fine from here.