I’m having issues importing models and animations into Blender.
Here is a screenshot of the model in Unreal.
Screenshot of one of the animations in Unreal.
The export settings in Unreal.
Blender import settings.
The model imported into Blender.
The scene collection.
I did some research and I should be able to fix it by deleting gltf_Not_Exported
but this is what the model looks like after deleting it.
I tried doing the same process with FBX and ran into similar issues where the model imported fine but the animations were wrong like here. I’m using Blender 4.3.0
. Any ideas on how I can fix this? I’m not getting much response on the Blender Stack Exchange or Blender help group on Reddit yet.
Oddly enough right after I posted here I went back to Blender to poke around more and I noticed this
For some reason its not importing correctly because if I delete the selected item the model finally looks like it should. It has to be something in the Blender import settings or the Unreal export settings I’m thinking.
I got it figured out. I looked around and found this on the Unreal export settings. The second one stood out as the most likely culprit and disabling it, the model now imports correctly.
- Export Vertex Colors: While Blender can handle vertex colors, it’s important to ensure that they’re used correctly in Unreal Engine and that the color format is compatible.
- Export Vertex Skin Weights: If your mesh has complex skinning, Blender might struggle with it.
- Use Mesh Quantization: Quantization can reduce file size, but it can also lead to loss of precision in vertex positions and normals.