[SOLVED] Center of rigid body is being displaced?

cool, I will try the -ea, also the “skeleton code checkers” require something to work?

but I just found this: Failed startup - #12 by glaucomardano, they seem actually be a plugin, but may be not updated and may crash; also I guess effort on it may help newcomers to java and to JME but will make no diff to skilled users; therefore other priorities may come before updating it I guess :>, but would be interesting to see it working as my approach is just target public final fields, and I will miss everything I have absolutely no idea that may break (for ex.: despite I use quaternions a lot, I still dont really understand how they work; and so on…)

anyway, I just did a simple list with object references and cloned ones, and I was checking (one object per frame) the ref against the cloned one with equals(), fun to code and relieving to see it working :), I will keep it active as I can use for my own final fields and with other libs too :smile: