When I’ve exported rigged models from Blender using Blender2Ogre, and from MakeHuman using MakeHuman’s built in Ogre exporter, I’ve got the mesh.xml file, but not the skeleton.xml file.
Does anyone remember how the Ninja model was created? If not, can anyone tell me how to export a model with a skeleton?
Yes, I set it out in a blog post here. In summary, glTF might as well be binary data – most of it is in fact ASCII encoded binary. That makes it impossible to hand edit, and pretty hard to parse.
I need something I can parse easily. Of the XML formats I’ve evaluated, Ogre is the least well supported, but it has precisely the structures I’m looking for, and given that there is an existing jME3 importer, it looks like the one that would be easiest for me to use.
To answer my own question, the MakeHuman Ogre exporter does successfully export skeletons – provided you’ve remembered to add a skeleton to your model!