So I am very ignorant on this topic, I am not a 3d modeler. Disclaimer done.
When prototyping, I like to use Daz models (mostly for the sake that they look good and I have access to a large daz library). Those will later get swapped out for custom models for the project.
But right now I am playing with JME, and decided to see if I could get a genesis character working. I exported it as FBX, re-rigged and redid the materials in blender, then re-exported it back out as a FBX.
I have never used FBX with JME and as I have been reading it sounds like there is some support, but it is not documented as to what support there is (at least that I could find).
So I imported it in to JME and I get this wonderful error when opening it:
EDIT: To clarify opening it, when I double click it
Running blender as converter for file C:/Users/Trevor/Desktop/test_projects/CharacterCreatorTest/assets/Models/G8M/jme.fbx
found bundled python: C:\Program Files\jmonkeyplatform\blender\2.79\python
Info: Total files 7 | Changed 7 | Failed 0
FBX Import: start importing C:\Users\Trevor\Desktop\test_projects\CharacterCreatorTest\assets\Models\G8M\jme.fbx
FBX version: 7400
FBX import: Prepare...
Done (0.000000 sec)
FBX import: Templates...
Done (0.000000 sec)
FBX import: Nodes...
Done (0.000000 sec)
FBX import: Connections...
Done (0.015625 sec)
FBX import: Meshes...
Done (0.562500 sec)
FBX import: Materials & Textures...
Done (0.015625 sec)
FBX import: Cameras & Lamps...
Done (0.000000 sec)
FBX import: Objects & Armatures...
Done (0.093750 sec)
FBX import: ShapeKeys...
Done (0.375000 sec)
FBX import: Animations...
Done (0.000000 sec)
FBX import: Assign materials...
Done (0.000000 sec)
FBX import: Assign textures...
WARNING: material link b'TransparencyFactor' ignored
Done (0.000000 sec)
FBX import: Cycles z-offset workaround...
Done (0.000000 sec)
Done (1.328125 sec)
Import finished.
batch job finished, exiting
Blender quit
AL lib: (EE) UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz, got 48000hz instead
Unknown block header: KE00
Unknown block header: KE00
Unknown block header: KE00
Unknown block header: KE00
Unknown block header: KE00
Unknown block header: KE00
Unknown block header: KE00
Unknown block header: KE00
Loading animations that will be later applied to scene features.
Loading model's textures.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8Male.006
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
Loading model's textures.
Loading model's textures.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8Male.004
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
Loading model's textures.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8MaleEyelashes.001
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8Male.005
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
Loading model's textures.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8MaleEyelashes
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
Loading model's textures.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8Male.002
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
Loading model's textures.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8Male.003
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
Loading model's textures.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8Male.007
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
Loading model's textures.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8Male.001
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
There were problems with triangulating the faces of a mesh: Genesis8Male
Unable to find two closest vertices while triangulating face.
Loading model's textures.
Loaded asset jme
I would like to bring the shape keys (morphs) in if possible. I have read in a couple old topics here that JME does not support shape keys, is that still true?
Anyways, I would love some help or guidance here.
Thank you,
EDIT 2: So I discovered if I just use the blend file, I can open and convert to a j3o no issue.
SO I guess my question is, how can I get/access the shape keys?
jME does not directly support shape keys. However, I don’t think it would be that difficult to develop that yourself (depending on how shape keys are represented - never worked with that so I don’t know).
If by shape key OP means morph animation (vertex animation) then
It does with new gltf importer @nehon wrote. You should use jme master branch for it.
I have not tested it my self yet but you can take a look here
Regarding FBX, there is two FBX importer for JME, the old one not support animation at all, and new one developed by @Eirenliel does support animation but there is problem if you export it from blender. Take a look here
That is awesome. Thank you for the quick replay. I will look into the gltf importer. It looks like it is exactly what I need. I did not see any documentation for how to use it though. Do you know where that might be, or should I send a message over to @nehon? I found the test gltf project but it is from two years ago and it no up-to-date with these new changes as far as I can tell.
EDIT: I will look through, I might see how to use it already.
Note that importing .fbx the way you did it used the SDKs fbx importer, which means opening the file in blender and using the blender importer to open the generated file. Unfortunately the blender importer has got it’s problems, so the best option always is xbuf/gltf from blender [for xbuf I can’t tell if it supports morph and what you need]
Thanks, I imported my FBX into blender and exported it as a GLTF. I am fiddling with the code right now, but once I have a working test I’ll post the code here.
Thank you for the tips! I was using the first one, and was not seeing the animations (probably something I am doing wrong though) I will check on those websites.
I could not get a working gltf file from blender 2.79b. Moving over to beta and now I can get a working gltf file no problem. It loads in to jme fine and I can see all the bones.
According to babylonjs my gltf file has morph targets, and no animations. Seeing as I do not have any animations, but I have shape keys, I am assuming this is correct.
I have a working test project that I can see the model in jme with, but now I need to figure out how to access the shape keys.
@Ali_RS maybe you have some insight into this, but is a shape key in the mesh not the same as a shape key animation? I have been looking through the jme gltf loader, and I see where mesh morph animations are loaded in, but my model does not have any animations. It does have mesh morphs, but I do not see where the loader loads those. I do think that the existing MorphControl would work if the loader supported mesh morphs outside of animations.
Maybe I am just confused and do not understand how to export my shape keys from blender.
I have not tested Morph animation yet so not sure how we are supposed to use it.
It seems morph data is being loaded in to MorphTrack. And ClipAction will detected it and will play it.
I guess you should not directly deal with MorphControl and I think you should be able to play your morph animation just like others animation using AnimComposer. animComposer.setCurrentAction("morphAnimName");
I might be wrong because I have not tried it myself.
Maybe better to take one of these models from sketchfab and load them in JME and try to figure out on them.
The Mannequin for example, the mesh morphs have been recorded as part of an animation, the animation is using the shape keys. I can play the animation, and the mesh morphs as part of that. But I do not see any way to access the shape keys myself to apply them outside of the animation.
You can try this : AnimClip clip = animComoser.getAnimClip(name);
then get tracks from it : AnimTrack [ ] tracks = clip.getTracks();
iterate over tacks array and get MorphTrack out of them.
for(AnimTrack tarck : tarcks){
if(track instanceof MorphTrack){
// you can do whatever you want with this track
You can create a new AnimClip (with any name you want) and set your MorphTacks to it and add it to AnimComposer. animcomposer.addAnimClip( animClip);
now you can play it with anim composer. It will play just the morph animations.
I finally figured it out after deconstructing the GltfLoader.
For anyone who runs into this in the future:
To access mesh morphs that are not part of an animation, there will not be a MorphControl on the spatial, instead you need to get the mesh from the geometry and check if it has morph targets, if it dies, then those are the things you need;
if (model instanceof Geometry) {
if (((Geometry) model).getMesh().hasMorphTargets()) {
System.out.println("Found morphs: " + ((Geometry) model).getMesh().getMorphTargets().length);
Here is the full sample code for the net person who comes along
import com.jme3.anim.*;
import com.jme3.app.ChaseCameraAppState;
import com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication;
import com.jme3.asset.plugins.FileLocator;
import com.jme3.export.binary.BinaryExporter;
import com.jme3.input.KeyInput;
import com.jme3.input.controls.ActionListener;
import com.jme3.input.controls.KeyTrigger;
import com.jme3.light.AmbientLight;
import com.jme3.math.*;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.scene.debug.custom.ArmatureDebugAppState;
import com.jme3.system.JmeSystem;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* @author Trevor, based from @Nehon
* https://github.com/jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine/blob/master/jme3-examples/src/main/java/jme3test/model/anim/TestAnimMorphSerialization.java
public class CCTest extends SimpleApplication {
ArmatureDebugAppState debugAppState;
AnimComposer composer;
Queue<String> anims = new LinkedList<>();
boolean playAnim = true;
File file;
public static void main(String... argv) {
CCTest app = new CCTest();
//AppSettings settings = new AppSettings(true);
public void simpleInitApp() {
setTimer(new EraseTimer());
//cam.setFrustumPerspective(90f, (float) cam.getWidth() / cam.getHeight(), 0.01f, 10f);
//rootNode.addLight(new DirectionalLight(new Vector3f(-1, -1, -1).normalizeLocal()));
rootNode.addLight(new AmbientLight(ColorRGBA.White));
//Node probeNode = (Node) assetManager.loadModel("Scenes/defaultProbe.j3o");
Spatial model = assetManager.loadModel("Models/G8M/g8m.gltf");
File storageFolder = JmeSystem.getStorageFolder();
file = new File(storageFolder.getPath() + File.separator + "g8m.j3o");
BinaryExporter be = new BinaryExporter();
try {
be.save(model, file);
} catch (IOException e) {
assetManager.registerLocator(storageFolder.getPath(), FileLocator.class);
Spatial model2 = assetManager.loadModel("g8m.j3o");
debugAppState = new ArmatureDebugAppState();
Node target = new Node("CamTarget");
target.move(0, 0, 0);
ChaseCameraAppState chaseCam = new ChaseCameraAppState();
public void initInputs() {
inputManager.addMapping("toggleAnim", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_RETURN));
inputManager.addListener(new ActionListener() {
public void onAction(String name, boolean isPressed, float tpf) {
if (isPressed) {
playAnim = !playAnim;
if (playAnim) {
String anim = anims.poll();
} else {
}, "toggleAnim");
inputManager.addMapping("nextAnim", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_RIGHT));
inputManager.addListener(new ActionListener() {
public void onAction(String name, boolean isPressed, float tpf) {
if (isPressed && composer != null) {
String anim = anims.poll();
}, "nextAnim");
private void setupModel(Spatial model) {
if (composer != null) {
System.out.println("Setting up model");
composer = model.getControl(AnimComposer.class);
if (composer != null) {
// model.getControl(SkinningControl.class).setEnabled(false);
// model.getControl(MorphControl.class).setEnabled(false);
// composer.setEnabled(false);
System.out.println("Got animator");
SkinningControl sc = model.getControl(SkinningControl.class);
for (String name : composer.getAnimClipsNames()) {
System.out.println("Animation " + name);
if (anims.isEmpty()) {
if (playAnim) {
String anim = anims.poll();
System.out.println("Playing animation: " + anim);
} else {
System.out.println("No animator");
if (model instanceof Node) {
Node n = (Node) model;
for (Spatial child : n.getChildren()) {
System.out.println("Animator has: " + String.join(", ", composer.getAnimClipsNames()));
private void listAnimations(Spatial model) {
if (model instanceof Geometry) {
if (((Geometry) model).getMesh().hasMorphTargets()) {
System.out.println(model.getName() + " has morphs: " + ((Geometry) model).getMesh().getMorphTargets().length);
for (int i = 0; i < model.getNumControls(); i++) {
System.out.println(model.getName() + " has control: " + model.getControl(i));
AnimComposer anim = model.getControl(AnimComposer.class);
if (anim != null) {
System.out.println(model.getName() + " has animations: " + String.join(", ", anim.getAnimClipsNames()));
SkinningControl sc = model.getControl(SkinningControl.class);
if (sc != null) {
MorphControl mc = model.getControl(MorphControl.class);
if (mc != null) {
System.out.println("Morph control found");
if (model instanceof Node) {
Node n = (Node) model;
System.out.println(n.getName() + " of type " + n.getClass().getName());
for (Spatial child : n.getChildren()) {
public void destroy() {
had a lot problems, i still dont know how to import animations, i had like below, but no animation is imported:
but got it for manual change.
(at least for manual morph change)
i was first trying do anything about:
m.setInt(“NumberOfMorphTargets”, 1);
but nothing like this is required, just throw error for me.
what i needed was just:
where weights is:
float[] weights = new float[1]; //1 depends on how many morph targets geometry have from Trevor provided code. (i tested with 1 target - not counting base mesh) in my test it is:
model.depthFirstTraversal(new SceneGraphVisitor() {
public void visit(Spatial spatial) {
if (spatial instanceof Geometry) {
if (((Geometry) spatial).getMesh().hasMorphTargets()) {
System.out.println("Found morphs: " + ((Geometry) spatial).getMesh().getMorphTargets().length);
morphGeometry = (Geometry)spatial;
// initialize weights here based on amount of morph targets here like below
weights = new float[((Geometry) spatial).getMesh().getMorphTargets().length];
so now i just use:
inputManager.addMapping("increaseMorph", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_LEFT));
inputManager.addListener(new AnalogListener() {
public void onAnalog(String name, float value, float tpf) {
if (composer != null) {
weights[0] += tpf;
}, "increaseMorph");
Still, i dont know how to IMPORT morph animations, but manual change morph was what i was looking anyway (libsync or face/body customization)
Hmm… I have not tried to use morph animations, I have only manually changed morphs. I do not have any morph animations in my models. If you figure it out, please let us know.