[Solved] Problem with build

When I build my project and run it, i receive a AssetNotFoundException, Can’t find Models…
Where should i put them?
I conveted into .j3o, all models

I’ve just realize how to do it…
Just added the assets folder to the compile library on the project properties.

What are you doing? A normal BasicGame project has this all set up.

Starts with ‘E’, ends in ‘clipse’.
Another reason why we created the SDK: it does all of this bootstrapping for you. If you really want to use eclipse you can set Netbeans to use the same key mappings as eclipse with a single click in options.

I’m using your SDK in netbeans, but just when i did that the excutable jar on the /dist folder works…

So did you create a BasicGame project? It looks like you either try deploying a JmeTest project or a normal java library project.

Never mind, when i build the project for windows(making an .exe executable) i tried to remove the assets folder from the compile library and it works…