So I am in still developing phase of my game on Android with min support for sdk 24. Today I tried running my game on avd and was thrown exception "ThreadLocal.withinitial method not found. It was called from jme
Anim.frameintepolator. So I dug up GitHub page to find the line and realise the file was changed two days back. So I looked in Android official docs where I found that withinitial method for threadLocal class was added in Android in api 26. But I want to support api 24-25. Is there any workaround for above exception. I don’t have any knowledge on core engine code.
Please use the latest Android Gradle plugin (AGP) or else enable coreLibraryDesugaring
by adding:
dependencies {
implementation ''
android {
compileOptions {
// Flag to enable support for the new language APIs
coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
Read more in:
Please let us know if the proposed methods above fix your issue.
Firstly Thanks for quick reply.
Okay so it is not working I have tried upgrading gradle to 7.6 ( while desugaring requires min 4). I cannot go gradle beyond this as its throwing error for other android centric libraries I am using like databinding.
I tried all version of desugaring as per this table at bottom Use Java 8 language features and APIs | Android Developers
2.0.2 throws upgrade d8 compiler error same with 1.2.2. only 1.1.5 is building module without error but when run on avd same issue.
Nevertheless android 7 seems to be having quite issue as even hardskinning of jme are not working for api24-25. So will not give too much of time for api<26. Despite that if solution is there its more than welcome
Note, I mean the AGP version, not the Gradle version. They are different.
For example, try AGP 7.4 (it requires the Minimum required Gradle version 7.5)
Yeah but for gradle 7.6 my plugin is 7.2.2 but its still throwing same error.
Please use plugin version 7.4.0 or later.
Using the latest desugar_jdk_libs
should most likely solve this. It includs the missing function you mentioned.
It requires plugin version 7.4.0 or later as mentioned here:
Yes you are right. It works fine with AGP 7.4.1 and desugaring version 2.0.2 . Nice Thanks a lot !!