So, jMonkeyEngine 3.1 is now stable in the latest release. I already downloaded it and plan to use it in my game, since if fixes an important bug (related to attachment nodes). The thing is, I really don’t want to have to download a whole new SDK to use it.
So, can I simply replace the jME SDK’s files to the newest version? Or do I really need to download the stable SDK?
If you don’t use the scene composer and other JME3-related tools it shouldn’t be any problem. If you want any of the JME3 features I recommend you to try the Spaceshift-Editor (which is currently a generic editor more than a space-shift one).
You can ofcourse replace the jars or supply them on your own but the New release also has a newer jdk and blender (which is also Part of the sdk, which increases size).
The zip file is smaller because jdk and blender are missing, maybe you could even copy those files over the Installation, but do a Backup or really consider a Regular update if you dont have to Pay for each Megabyte traffic
Ok, thank you, guys!
Also, thanks @NemesisMate for showing me the Spaceshift-Editor, I’ll definitely take a look.
I like to use IntelliJ IDEA with SpaceShift Editor