Some jme-tests do not work on win 7_64(SOLVED)

Hi, some tests do not work (crash) on Windows7 64 bit, but they work on 32 bit system. Why is it so?




log looks like:

20.01.2011 19:26:21 com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer setFrameBuffer

SEVERE: Problem FBO:

FrameBuffer[format=640x480x1, drawBuf=0]

Depth => BufferTarget[format=Depth]

Color(0) => TextureTarget[format=RGBA8]

20.01.2011 19:26:21 handleError

SEVERE: Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[LWJGL Renderer Thread,5,main]

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Framebuffer object format is unsupported by the video hardware.

at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.checkFrameBufferError(

at com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer.setFrameBuffer(

at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.renderViewPort(

at com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager.render(


at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(

at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(



Are you using a Radeon GPU? I also faced these crashes while running these on my Win 7 64bit, with Radeon 4670.

All those work fine on my windows 7 64 bit. I have a Nvidia Fermi card though.

things run pretty good in my laptop’s GeForce 210m, though here it is Win 7 32bit, I am certain that problem lies withing Radeon and its driver :@ :@ :@ its’ so annoying.

those tests also looks fine on my win 7 64bit PC, maybe you’ve got an outdated version of java?

but on my laptop, none of the tests work. probably because of the bad graphics card…

It looks more like a driver issue, i run any test on win 7 64 bit and they work fine.

Thank you friends for replies… I have got Nvidia quadro fx 3800.

I had driver: (25.11.2009 year)

I installed driver: (27.12.2010 year)

Solved!!! Thank you Nehon!!!

good :wink:

Maybe me and nehon should start installing old drivers on our PCs just for testing :stuck_out_tongue:

My card is so recent there are no old drivers for it ! :smiley:

nehon said:
My card is so recent there are no old drivers for it ! :D

What is your current graphics card. I am using radeon 4670 and im pretty much disgusted with its performance. Besides gaming(playing) i feel radeon card dont have much of a use. Do, you have any bad experience with radeon?

I am thinking about an upgrade. What do you suggest? Has the recent 5 series resolves their issues?

Well… I have 2 ati 5970 cross fired.

I must say this is a kick a… configuration that can run anything.

But…honestly compared to Nvidia drivers update software, Ati catalyst is pure crap…

But the hardware rocks.

I installed an old driver for my card. Found the bug and fixed it.

Yay! :smiley:

1 Like

nice work Kirill!!!

Just upgraded to an ATI6850 from a nVidia 8800GT; good stuff so far. Had to update the BIOS right away to fix an overly loud/high fan idle speed, but other than that flawless.

As far as one company being any better than the other, I’ve gone through a lot of video cards over the years and honestly, I’ve had hit or miss problems with both ATI and nVidia. ATI’s drivers have always been a bit sketchy, but they’ve gotten LOADS better if you remember the Rage or Rage II chipsets. Yikes. With nVidia, lately I’ve had issues with them at the end of product life. Like, my 8800GT is 3 years old but I still need the drivers updated now and again for support, but the back support ends up crippling/glitching the older cards. It’s almost like they’re trying to send subliminal messages for you to upgrade. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not loyal to either, I go wherever I feel the best price/performance ratio is at. There are lots of review/benchmarks and online sites to check prices to help you make that decision easily.


iamcreasy said:
What is your current graphics card. I am using radeon 4670 and im pretty much disgusted with its performance. Besides gaming(playing) i feel radeon card dont have much of a use. Do, you have any bad experience with radeon?

I am thinking about an upgrade. What do you suggest? Has the recent 5 series resolves their issues?

I can recommend GTX460. It costs 190euro where I live and it has very good performance for it's price. I have HD4850 right now and I'm also having drivers issues, especially with Linux. Which made me start using XP now (dual boot). Not sure if I'll buy a GTX460, but I won't be getting ATI next time.

Yeh,no ATI next time.But i was wondering has radeon 5 series has gotten better, that what i was asking this to @nehon

I own both a Radeon and a GeForce card and honestly they both have pluses and minuses.

If you’re not running on Linux, they are pretty much the same.

One thing about Radeon though is that they are generally cheaper but their driver doesn’t have OpenCL or Stereoscopic 3D.

What radeon are you using? I am using 4670 and I had to download ATI Stream SDK to activate OpenCl support. Yes, it not as very good, but they can do the basic stuff. I was able to run SmallLuxGPU (OpenCl renderer), though i had to tweak a lots of setting to make it work flawlessly.

As far as I am concern 5 series comes with OpenCl, you dont need anything else except the driver.

In my laptop I have GeForce 210m, though it is underpowered then 4670, it performs a loooot hassel freely. jME simple doesnt run on my 4670 beacuse of some driver issue. I updated, but no result. I poseted a thread before, but it remained unsolved.

iamcreasy said:
What radeon are you using? I am using 4670 and I had to download ATI Stream SDK to activate OpenCl support. Yes, it not as very good, but they can do the basic stuff. I was able to run SmallLuxGPU (OpenCl renderer), though i had to tweak a lots of setting to make it work flawlessly.

As far as I am concern 5 series comes with OpenCl, you dont need anything else except the driver.

In my laptop I have GeForce 210m, though it is underpowered then 4670, it performs a loooot hassel freely. jME simple doesnt run on my 4670 beacuse of some driver issue. I updated, but no result. I poseted a thread before, but it remained unsolved.

I have an ATI Radeon 5770, it does not come with OpenCL driver, you have to download ATI Stream SDK in addition to it.

About that native crash issue, does it still happen with the latest jME3 from SVN? Two rather large bugs was fixed in framebuffers recently.