Sort of LODs, but dynamic

Hi Everyone,

It’s been a long day, so maybe I’m missing something obvious… I’ve used LODs on terrain before, which work great, as you zoom in, you get more and more detailed view.

I did something in openscenegraph a few years ago, where the camera angle was used when viewing an object, to change what was shown. But, I don’t think this called different LODs of the same model… I think it was different models… though maybe my memory is wrong on that one… From a quick search of the forum, most of the talk seems to be about different LODs of ogre models, which isnt what I want, as I want to build up a scene on the fly using primitive shape objects.

What I want to do as a basic example, is have a number of boxes, each of which represents a load of subcomponents. If you zoom in towards a box, at a certain threshold the ‘parent’ box goes, and the sub component boxes appear, with different text etc. And probably zoom in on those sub boxes, and get sub sub boxes. But ideally, I want to discover the boxes and the interconnections between them at runtime…

Is there a way to do this? It feels like something that could be done with main box being parent node, and child nodes being the sub-boxes with associated graphical objects. But then I need to switch between node visuals, i.e. parent node visuals off, child visuals on…

Thanks for any ideas!

Hmm, it sounds like some of the stuff voxel worlds do with varying detail levels on the mesh based on distance to camera…

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