Spider Monkey Tutorial?

Is there a really basic tutorial on how to get a server running something basic and then have a client connect to it somehow?

Ive checked the wiki, but what it has on spider monkey is very ambiguous and doesnt really tell you how to put the pieces together to get something functional it just kind of tells you that there are pieces and it describes some.

Im having a really hard time figuring out how to get any kind of basic server/client combo working.

There should be some functional networking tests in the jMETests project

Most of those dont seem to work because there isnt a server/client relationship.

Or they just plain dont work.

None of them really seem to show any kind of functionality in displaying objects or a scene to multiple users are once.

@disrupter52 said:
None of them really seem to show any kind of functionality in displaying objects or a scene to multiple users are once.

And that's basic. Not. :facepalm:

Basic is handshaking. Basic is network serialization which send/receive (print) data on the server and that's covered in TestSerialization. The difference here is that both the server and the client are in the same class. Feel free to implement each in a different class and have them talk. The code is similar.

TestChatClient and TestChatServer.

Run TestChatServer.

Run TestChatClient as many times as you want. Chat with yourself in TCP or UDP.

This is the basics of networking and I think is pretty straight forward.

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