Start Drag filter


why is it not possible to add a filter to a DraggableControl so that one can be notified on starting drag

i need to know when it starts

so far i can only add an accept filter

dropable.addFilter(new DroppableDropFilter() { public boolean accept(Droppable drpbl, Draggable drgbl, Droppable drpbl1) { // drgbl.getElement().findElementByName("image").setVisible(false); box.setCullHint(Spatial.CullHint.Always); currentDraggedObject=false; return true; }


I’m not sure what you mean by “filter” to be notified when a drag operation starts.

Start drag operation will be published as a DraggableStartDragEvent on the EventBus as explained in the Nifty wiki: <a href=‘’n’Drop#EventBus_Notification’>’n’Drop#EventBus_Notification

Hope that helps,


@void256 said:
I'm not sure what you mean by "filter" to be notified when a drag operation starts.

Start drag operation will be published as a DraggableStartDragEvent on the EventBus as explained in the Nifty wiki:'n'Drop#EventBus_Notification

Hope that helps,

yes, i have seen that, but how do i get a listener on that one
i don't understand, i must have missed something ...
can you enlight me ? thx

EventBus Notifications explained in the Nifty Wiki should help, I think?

@void256 said:
EventBus Notifications explained in the Nifty Wiki should help, I think?

thx, i'll have a look
@void256 said:
EventBus Notifications explained in the Nifty Wiki should help, I think?

It is working but there is no way to have a callback while the mouse is dragging
i tried to add onMouseOver but it is not called during a dragdrop operation :(