Syntax errors in sample Debugging code

Found a couple of syntax errors in the sample code on the debugging page:

[java]private void attachGrid(Vector3f pos, float size, ColorRGBA color){[/java]
should be:
[java]private Geometry attachGrid(Vector3f pos, int size, ColorRGBA color){[/java]

[java]public void attachWireBox(Vector3f pos, float size, ColorRGBA color){[/java]
should be:
[java]public Geometry attachWireBox(Vector3f pos, float size, ColorRGBA color){[/java]

[java]private void attachWireSphere(Vector3f pos, float size, ColorRGBA color){[/java]
should be:
[java]private Geometry attachWireSphere(Vector3f pos, float size, ColorRGBA color){[/java]

While not a syntax error, it seems odd that the attachWireBox(…) method is public while the others are private.