Touch events

Hi, i’m trying to know which is the interval time by default that JME stablishes to identify 2 taps as a DOUBLETAP event from the class TouchEvent. I have been researching and I can’t find anything.
Moreover I want to know which is the time needed by default in JME to have a LONGPRESSED event from the same class.

Anyone can help me with this issue?

Cheers. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

JME uses android’s gesture detection and translate the android event into JME TouchEvent.
The answer to your question is “whatever interval time android gesture detection uses”.

@nehon said: JME uses android's gesture detection and translate the android event into JME TouchEvent. The answer to your question is "whatever interval time android gesture detection uses".

Okey thanks for helping Nehon!

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