
Actually you don’t need to do that, there’s a built-in way to do it.

Once you load the model, you need to go through each geometry and modify its material to change the color/alpha:

[java]Geometry geom = …

Material material = geom.getMaterial();[/java]

Then set the m_UseAlpha parameter to true, this will use the alpha from the diffuse color as the model’s alpha. Set the m_Diffuse parameter to modify both the color and alpha of the model:

[java]material.setBoolean(“m_UseAlpha”, true); // use alpha from diffuse color

material.setColor(“m_Diffuse”, … ); // specify diffuse color[/java]

You also need to enable alpha blending and put the model in the appropriate render queue to indicate it is transparent:


material.getAdditionalRenderState().setBlendMode(BlendMode.Alpha); // enables alpha blending mode

geom.setQueueBucket(Bucket.Transparent); // enables back-to-front sorting
