Unable to update platform

For some odd reason for the past month i have been unable to update any jmonkeyPlatform components. I recently uninstalled the platform and deleted all of its leftovers before reinstalling it (http://code.google.com/p/jmonkeyengine/downloads/list); however, it still refused to update the percentage of downloading plugins stays at 0% though the platform does not freeze i tried changing proxy to system proxy and no proxy however it remains the same. Was their an event that happened in the community that i wasn’t aware of that would cause this.

Slow server connection for some, just be a little more patient, updates take up to half an hour for me atm.

lol well i left the update on over night before i reinstalled the platform which is why i posted, however, with this semi-fresh install i will attempt it again. Some plugin’s fail atm and are deactivated unsure why maybe after the update everything will be fixed

meh well the connection isn’t slow its jst refusing to download. If i select everything it rushes to 66% and stays their but if i choose none jme only it stays at 7%. This is throughout the course of a day. I turned off firewall and antivirus as well.

Mine just stops at 12 percent at the moment. Not a matter of letting it wait, it evens pops up that it cannot connect after a long time. Any suggestions normen?

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Nope, I am working on moving the updates to googlecode but the upload process is not really nice.

I have the same problem. I have updated some plugins one by one (the ones with lower size, <1Mb), and the process ends fine. However, with the largest ones the download process freezes, no matters the time I leave it.

can you direct me to the uninstaller for the platform i think i remember their was one at one time. I still cannot update the modules and 9 are disabled and i cannot re-enable them only 4 being jme related. The syntax highlighting no longer works so when i open an editing window everything is black, code completion doesn’t work and error suggestion is off, (though these aren’t huge problems as i can check the compile window for any errors). Once more I am still unable to update the modules (with the exception of two unrealted) . Their are another 2 startup and subversion that are not related to jme that i cannot seem to update either, which is why i’m not compelety sure if its jme related.

This occurs on both my desktop, laptop and media computer.

Guys, its the server connection, no use breaking everything by trying to fix something.