Use of nasa world wind in JME

Hi everybody,

are there any projects going on to use nasa world wind as a part of the JME objects ?

The problem I have seen is that world wind is using jogl and not lwjgl ? Can I use the world wind canvas with the jme lwgl canvas somehow ?

Or must I port world wind to lwjgl or JME first ?



I am currently trying to integrate the two.

My hope is to use World Wind for the terrain and let jME manage the actors.  I'm just getting started … wondering which will manage graphics context, how events will be handled, etc.

jME supports jogl and lwjgl … so we are good there.

This would be great. This is not an easy task that I am trying now with Ardor3D because there are people (wwj) who have already done this. I will let you know if there are any news from my side regarding the integration.
