Warning on start: Make sure /home/XXX/.jmonkeyplatform/dev is writable

Hi! I discovered this engine today and wanted to test it out. I just started jMonkeyPlatform again to continue with tutorial 9 and got an error:

An instance of the program cannot access specified user directory.

Make sure /home/XXX/.jmonkeyplatform/dev is writable.

I can click OK or Cancel and nothing happens. It worked fine the last time I started it. I use Linex Mint and Java 6.26-1maverick1.

give permission to that folder and run jmp as root “sudo …”.

I’d not run it as root, just fix the user rights:

sudo chown -R username:usergroup /home/XXX/.jmonkeyplatform/

Apparently you installed the SDK with different user rights than you run it with (e.g. ran the installer using sudo)

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Thanks! Now I can start & close it without problems. Okay I get another warning 2 times:

Error opening OpenGL window!

Your graphics card needs to supprt at least OpengGL 2.0.

I click OK and then it works. The sceneviewer doesn’t work, but I don’t used it at the moment. And the gui looks a little bit strange. I think I already saw a thread about this problem.